Tuesday January 31st

580 21 0

I woke up at 6 and got dressed. I ate breakfast and then my dad came downstairs.

Me: good morning Daddy
Dad: good morning Squirt
Me: well I better get going
Dad: alright see you later, have a good day
Me: yeah you too

I got in my Audi and headed to school. I sat down at Garvin's desk and graded people's homework. My next two classes went quickly and I went to switch into my 4 Runner and get Hope.

Hope: so, what gym are we going to again?
Me: X44, it's a private gym, I know the owner John who is the one who works me out
Hope: oh alright

I parked and Hope and I went in.

John: Savannah I heard about your game last night, sorry I couldn't make it.
Me: you're good, well John this is Hope and Hope this is John
John: if good to finally meet the person who keeps her in line
Hope: it's tough but it is good to meet you too.
John: well do a 400 and then stretch.
Me: alright

I led Hope through the 400 around the gym and then we stopped and stretched.

John: alright first is a circuit. 15 calories on the bike, 20 burpees, 250 meters on the row, and then 20 pushups. 2 rounds
Me: seriously pushups
John: yup now get moving

Hope stayed with me in the first round but then got behind on the burpees. I finished as she started her 20 pushups. When Hope finished, we got water and then went outside for the last part.

John: alright 20 tire jumps, sprint to the line and back, 20 sit ups and then another sprint. 4 rounds

By the time, Hope and I finished we were exhausted

Hope: this is what you do every day?
Me: except for game day
Hope: geez

We went inside and got water.

John: good job today and Hope it was good to meet you
Hope: it was good to meet you too

Hope and I went to get the boys and then went home. We ate lunch and then Hope showered first and then watched the boys so I could. The boys napped and Hope and I watched The Game Thrones. At 5 I woke the boys so we could eat dinner. 

I put on my red uniform and then we loaded into the cars. We got the school and I gave the boys to their moms. I went down with the girls and we stretched. The girl's basketball game started and they lost 58-61.

We put down 7 cheer mats for the competition cheer who had a performance. The girls lined up and their music started. They dance and did a couple stunts before moving to their final pyramid. When the point flyer Abby went up the side flyers, Ashlyn and Maddie, were supposed to grab her arms. Ashlyn grabbed but her second base slipped sending Ashlyn into Abby.

The whole pyramid fell on top of each other. Some of the girls were starting to get up as Jacob the basketball trainer and I were rushing over. All the girls were fine except for Abby who was holding her face and crying.

Me: Abby you have to let us look
Abby: it's my nose

Abby moved her hands and blood gushed out. I grabbed the gauze pads and held them over her nose. Through the blood, I could see her nose was out of place.

Me: call Kirk he's over at the field house

Kirk was here in like 30 seconds. We moved Abby to the bleachers and Kirk looked at her nose.

Kirk: it's definitely broken, I'll call Dr. Archer. Are your parents here?
Abby: No, Savannah my phone is in my bag
Me: I'll be back

I found Abby's bag and grabbed her phone. I called her mom and handed it to Kirk. Kirk told her mom what happened and that he set up for Abby to go to the Ortho Clinic to see Dr. Archer tonight. Abby's nose stopped bleeding by the time her mom came to pick her up. I went back and joined the girls. Then boys won 68-54 and Hope and I went home. Hope and I took Duke for a run and then showered. We got in bed and put in a movie.

Hope: I didn't know you did Sports Med.
Me: yeah, I took the class sophomore year and last year Brad and I were head trainers, well I guess we still are if Kirk need us.
Hope: why don't I remember this
Me: I never really talked about it
Hope: so, are you excited for tomorrow?
Me: yeah, I'm a little nervous, there are going to be so many people
Hope: you'll be fine

We talked for a little bit longer until I feel asleep. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now