Sunday February 12th

519 21 0

I woke up at 7 and got dressed. I ate and then headed to the shorter to pick up the dogs. Once they were all at the center we put them in the pens. People started coming in at 9 and the first ones adopted were the puppies. By 11:30 all the puppies were gone and there were 15 dogs left. No one came in during lunch and then someone finally came in at 1.

Me: how can I help you?
Lady: I'm looking for a dog for my grandson
Me: are you looking for a female or male dog?
Lady: preferably a male and one that likes water?
Me: we have 3 dogs, one is a lab and he is between 1 or 2, a Shepard mix that is about 3 and then the third we don't know what type he is but he is about 2 or 3.
Lady: can I see the lab first?
Me: of course, follow me

I walked her down to Zeus's pen.

Me: his name is Zeus and he was found in a neighborhood starving about a year ago. He is very friendly, loves kids and does well with other dogs.
Lady: he is perfect, I'll take him
Me: alright, go see Mrs. Nancy over there and I'll get Zeus
Lady: thank you so much
Me: of course

I got Zeus on a leash and walked him to the front. The lady finished the paperwork and then took Zeus with her. It was now 2:15 and we had 12 more dogs. I tweeted out and in the next two hours we got down to 4. It was 7 and there were only two hours left. Garvin and then boys came in surprising me.

Garvin: Solo want to find us a dog?
Me: of course,
Rand: Vanna who's this?
Me: that is Charley he is almost 2
Aulds: he's fluffy
Me: he is
Rand: who's that?
Me: that is Buster he is about 1 and he loves to play fetch
Aulds: mommy can we get him?
Garvin: Rand do you like him
Rand: yeah, he's bigger than Charley
Garvin: then we can get him

Garvin filled out the paperwork and then boys took Buster home. One other dog named Molly was adopted but unfortunately for Charley and Sadie they weren't adopted. Nany and Joan took everything and the dogs back to shelter and I went home. I showered and then let Duke out while I facetimed Hope.

Hope: how did it go?
Me: 21 out of 23 dogs adopted
Hope: that's good
Me: yeah
Hope: what's wrong?
Me: no one adopted Sadie or Charley
Hope: you're not adopting them
Me: I know that. I'm just sad they weren't adopted
Hope: I know but think because of you those 21 dogs were adopted
Me: true
Hope: well it's 11:30 there, go to bed you have a game tomorrow
Me: I will, goodnight Hope
Hope: goodnight SB.

I hung up and let Duke in before going to bed. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now