Friday February 3rd

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I woke up at 6 and got dressed quietly. Duke and I quietly left and went outside. Duke and I ran 7 miles in about 50 minutes. I went back to the room and Garvin was up.

Garvin: how far did you go?
Me: 7 miles
Garvin: gross
Me: as much as I hate running it felt good, I'm going to go shower
Garvin: alright Rand might come in because he usually goes as soon as he wakes up
Me: that's fine

I gave Duke his food and then hopped in the shower. I shaved my legs and then washed my hair and got out at 7:45. Breakfast was at 8 so I quickly got dressed and blew dried my hair. I stood and my hair was huge.

Aulds: you look like a lion
Rand: yeah Vanna
Me: I know that's why they make ponytails
Garvin: on the way or were going to be late.

The 4 of us plus Duke went down to the breakfast area. I fixed my plate and sat with my stunt group. We talked about our performance coming up. Once we finished we went up to the rooms to put on our uniforms and do our makeup.

I put on my uniform and then did my makeup. It was time to go so we all piled into the SUVs and went to the ESPN center. Nate checked us in and we had 30 minutes before our scheduled 15-minute warmup. After that we performed at 12. We stretched and then went in to warmup. We hit everything and the danced seemed to go well.

We went back stage and got ready. It was time for us to go so we put on our smiles and ran out. The music started and we danced and 8 count before going into stunts. We had our tumbling sequence and once I landed my full I ran over to my spot for the pyramid.

I pulled a heel stretch and flipped back and up to a half. I put my foot down and then the flipped down. They came back up and I flipped down and back up before hitting a liberty. We did our game chant to finish and then ran off.

Brothers: that was perfect girls
Nate: I'm so proud of you!
Garvin: Good job girls lets head to lunch

We walked out and someone called my name.

Ali: Baby Horse!
Me: Ali, Ash you made it
Ash: sorry we couldn't catch you before but you did great!
Me: thank you, oh Ali, Ash this is Jayme Garvin. Garvin this is Ali and Ashlyn
Garvin: it's great to meet you both

Ali: it's great to meet you too
Ash: I'm glad to meet the one who keeps her in check at home
Rand: Vanna Vanna come on!
Ash: who's this little guy
Garvin: my second child, Rand
Ali: do all little kids love you?
Me: pretty much
Garvin: well you two are more than welcome to join us for lunch. After words, we are going to Epcot if you want to join us there as well.
Ash: if you want to Ali.
Ali: yeah, we would love too

We went in and joined the girls at lunch. the girls met Ali and Ash while we ate. After we finished we changed and then went to the SUVs. We got to Epcot and split into groups. Camille decided to go with Sydnee's group so it was me, Ali, Ash, Garvin, the boys, and Nate. We did all the aquarium and slow rides with the boys until they got tired and fell asleep in Garvin's and Nate's arms.

Ali, Ash and I rode the big rides and by the time the boys woke up it was time to go. We met back up with the other groups and I said bye to Ali and Ash. We went back to the resort to shower. We had dinner and then I went back up to the room to update my log. We put on a movie and all of us crashed. 

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