Friday January 20th

639 27 1

Dawn came up to our room at 7:15.

Dawn: Solos good morning
Hope: morning
Dawn: let me take your temperatures
Hope: okay
Dawn: 98.3
Hope: can I train then?
Dawn: tomorrow if it doesn't spike
Hope: Dang
Dawn: I'll go check Savannah

I let Dawn take my temperature and then rolled back over.

Dawn: 102.1
Hope: seriously
Dawn: yeah if it gets any higher we might need to take her to the hospital
Hope: oh, I hope not
Dawn: yeah me too. Well here is your breakfast and Savannah here are your crackers unless you want to try some toast
Me: toast
Dawn: alright eat slow

I ate two pieces of toast and then took my medicine. Dawn left and Hope put in a movie. I was back and forth between sleep until Dawn came back with lunch. I was asleep and before they woke me up Hope talked to Dawn.

Hope: she hasn't gone to the bathroom all day
Dawn: has she had anything to drink
Hope: no, she wouldn't
Dawn: well take her to the bathroom and see what color it is
Hope: gross but alright

Hope woke me and I went to the bathroom and then back to my bed.

Hope: you know the chart you always show us, the 1-8.
Dawn: yeah
Hope: she's like a 6.5
Dawn: dammit, I'm going to have to give her an IV
Hope: oh
Dawn: yeah you two eat I'll be back

We ate and then Dawn came back with an IV bag and IV pole. She set everything up and then got the needle ready

Me: Uh uh I don't want to
Hope: Savannah you have too
Me: noo stop let me go
Hope: I got her, go ahead

Dawn put the needle in my left arm put stretch tape around it so it wouldn't come out on its own.

Hope: Savannah if you don't stop grabbing it I'm going to tape your fingers together
Me: it hurts
Hope: no it doesn't, now stop
Me: yes it does, take it out
Hope: Savannah I warned you

Hope held my right wrist while Dawn stretched taped my fingers together

Me: why are you doing this, just let me go

I started crying and Hope just wrapped her arms around me.

Dawn: well I'll be back later if you need something just call
Hope: I will

Dawn left and Hope and I fell asleep. Hope watched a movie while I slept. Hope woke me up when Dawn was back with dinner.

Dawn: Hope you have the girls got and Baby Horse I brought you a ham and cheese sandwich
Me: okay

I ate slowly and Hope ate hers too. Dawn left and Hope and I finished our food. Hope then put on the Game of Thrones.

Me: Hope I need to throw up
Hope: trashcan where's the trashcan

Hope quickly found the trashcan and ran back to me just in time. I threw up my sandwich and the Gatorade I drank. I finished and Hope put the trashcan down.

Me: my chest hurts and it hurts to breathe
Hope: I'll see if any of the girls have Vapor rub
Me: okay
Hope: oh by the way where is your phone?
Me: Ash or Kelley has it
Hope: why
Me: to keep my streaks
Hope: you and your streaks

Hope texted the girls and Ali had some from when Ash had the flu.

Me: Ali!
Ali: hey Baby Horse how you feeling?
Me: horrible and I don't like this
Ali: I know but the IV will make you better
Me: ugh
Ali: well I should go bye Baby Horse
Me: bye
Hope: thank you Kriegs
Ali: of course

Ali left and Hope put the Vapor Rub on my chest and then bottom of my feet. I fell asleep and slept through the night. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now