Monday February 6th

550 18 0

I woke up at 5 and put on my bikini and clothes over. I packed extra clothes, my drinks, Duke's food, and his leash. I left the room quietly and went down to the lobby. I saw Ash pull up and led Duke to the car. Ash then drove the hour to Satellite Beach.

Ash: I wanted to show you my secret surfing spots when I was a kid.

We got out and put on our wet suits

Me: who's suit is this, it fits pretty well
Ash: Alex, she left it at my house
Me: that makes sense

Once we had them on we grabbed our boards and went down. We paddled out and then waves were just starting. Ash and I caught as many as we could before they started going down again. It was almost 11 when we finished and we had to meet Ali for lunch in Orlando at 12. Ash and I dried off and picked up our stuff quickly and got in the car. On the way, Ash and I talked about school.

Ash: how is your project going?
Me: good the training has gone well, and I have the adoption day on Sunday
Ash: any French Bull dogs?
Me: no, and Ali would kill you, then me
Ash: actually, I think she's starting to give
Me: or so you think

Ash parked at Fish Bones and we got out and went in. Ali was already sitting at a table already.

Ash: hey babe sorry we're a little late.
Ali: oh, you're fine, how were the waves?
Me: they were awesome, I wish I lived here
Ash: one day you might

The three of us ordered and talked while we ate.

Me: so, what are we doing today?
Ash: first we have to stop at Alex's to get Blue and a couple other things
Me: awe I haven't gotten to meet Blue yet
Ash: well come on

We got in the car and Ash drove us to Alex's

Serv: hey Ali, Ash, and hey Baby Horse
Me: hey it is a pleasure to meet you.
Serv: it is good to finally meet Alex's twin, oh incoming Blue saw you

Blue ran straight to me thinking I was Alex. When he realized, I wasn't he just froze and looked at me.

Ali: awe I'm sending this to Al

Blue warmed up to me and then you couldn't separate him from Duke and me.

Ash: alight I got everything, thank you Serv and we'll bring Blue back in a couple hours
Serv: alright thank you for taking him
Me: it's definitely my pleasure
Ali: we know, now come on

We got back in the car and Ash drove us to the Orlando Pride Stadium

Me: are we practicing?
Ash: yes, and here are cleats and clothes.

I grabbed the bag from Ash and we went to the locker room. We changed and then got 3 bags of soccer balls and headed out. Ali made us warmup and then Ali and I helped Ashlyn in her keeper warmups.

Ali: what do you say to 1v1s Baby Horse
Me: if you can handle it
Ash: ooh I feel a bet
Ali: the one with the most goals at the end gets to watch the loser pick up all the balls.
Me: alright deal

Ali and I lined up and Ash threw a ball out. I got to it first and turned and Ali was right there. I did a couple moves but couldn't shake her. I faked a step over and nutmegged her. I shot but Ash saved it. We did about 25 more and I beat Ali 10-6.

Me: geez that took a lot more than I thought
Ali: at least you won
Me: true but here I'll hold the bag.

Ash and Ali rounded up the balls and I bagged them. It was a little after 4 and Ash drove Ali, Duke, Blue and I to their house.

Ali: before you sit on my furniture you have to shower
Me: ugh fine

I showered in the guest room and then came back to the living room. I fed Duke and Blue and then went to find a snack. I found a package of Oreos and started eating them. Ash joined me and we sat on the couch and we watched a show on animal planet. Ali came out and joined us a little bit later.

Ali: so, what, where, and what major are friends choosing?
Me: well Meg is at UV playing soccer and going to major in Architecture. Matt is going to Ohio State to be a kicker and major in Law. Claire is at LSU majoring in Orthodontist. Hunter is going to Vanderbilt to play baseball and major in communication. And Brad is majoring in Pre-Med, Kiley in nursing, Justin is majoring in public relations and I'm majoring in Zoology.
Ash: wait what?
Ali: when did you decide that?
Me: I've always loved animals of all kinds so why not set myself up for something I'll enjoy
Ash: have you told Hope?
Me: no not yet. I'm supposed to meet with my counselor at some point to choose classes
Ali: well I think you'll enjoy that
Me: I hope so

We finished the Oreos and watched TV. I fell asleep and Ali and Ash started making dinner at 7. Ash woke me up at 7:30 and we sat down to eat.

Ash: what are you doing tomorrow?
Me: water park
Ali: I've always preferred the theme parks
Me: I like both
Ash: well who do you play next in soccer?
Me: Baton Rouge, it should be easy
Ali: good

We finished eating and I helped clean up.

Ali: well it was good seeing you Baby Horse, good luck with your team
Me: thank you Ali and thank you for dinner and coming to watch me
Ali: of course, bye Baby Horse
Me: bye Ali

Ash, Duke, Blue, and I got in the car. Ash drove Blue home and then drove me back to the resort.

Ash: bye Baby Horse it was good seeing you
Me: bye Ash thank you for today
Ash: of course, see you at camp
Me: see ya

I led Duke to our room and Garvin was getting the boys ready for bed.

Rand: Vanna!
Me: hey little man, did you have fun today?
Rand: yeah! We went to water park and I got to ride rides.
Me: really that sounds fun
Rand: it was!
Me: well you better get to sleep so we can have more fun tomorrow
Rand: okay

Rand got in bed and I fed Duke before uploading my food from today. The boys fell asleep and Garvin sat next to me.

Garvin: how was your day?
Me: good. I surfed, played soccer, and got to meet Alex's husband Servando and their dog Blue.
Garvin: good, well I'm going to bed
Me: I am too
Garvin: goodnight Savannah
Me: goodnight Jayme

I shut my computer down and went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now