Monday February 13th

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I woke up at 6 and got dressed. I ate and then went to school. I went to take my test and then went to Garvin's with my group.

Garvin: Rand and Aulds love Buster, all they did last night was play fetch with them?
Me: good, I'm glad he has a good home

We learned the lesson and then went to third hour. The bell rang and I went to get the boys. I brought them home and we had lunch. We ate and then took a nap. I woke up at 2 and woke the boys. I got my soccer bag and loaded up the boys and Duke. I gave the boys to their moms and then Duke and I went to the locker room. The girls were eating so I just sat with them.

Meg: hey are you going to the football banquet?
Me: yeah Brad and I talked about it the other night. Also, whenever you finish I need to talk to you outside.
Meg: uh okay

Meg finished eating and we went outside. Meg and I went to the top of the stadium so no one could hear us.

Meg: what's up
Me: I'm late
Meg: like period late?
Me: yes
Meg: could you be pregnant?
Me: I don't think so, I'm on the pill and we use protection
Meg: have you made an appointment?
Me: yeah, it's tomorrow at 11:30. Will you come with me. Brad is watching the boys
Meg: of course, what else do you think it could be?
Me: I don't know stress, my weight
Meg: you better hope so

Meg and I went down and got ready for warmups. After our final shots, we put on our jerseys and we went to do captains. The whistle blew and we kicked off against St. Joe's. We won a corner 5 minutes in and Megan sent it in. I was unmarked and headed it in. We set back and St. Joe's kicked off. The rest of the half was a fight back and forth.

The second half started and St. Joe's came fast. We defended well and got the ball back. 35 minutes in Megan and I went up the field. I played Megan through and she slotted it in. The final whistle blew and we got a cool down. I turned in my uniform and went home. I took Duke for a run and then showered. I ate dinner and then went to bed. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now