Saturday January 21st

609 19 0

Hope woke up at 6:30 and waited for Dawn to come in.

Dawn: Hope you're up
Hope: yeah can I train today?
Dawn: lightly but yes, go ahead to breakfast
Hope: yes

Hope left and Dawn woke me up

Dawn: Baby Horse how are you feeling?
Me: I'm hungry
Dawn: that's good. I brought you a little bit of toast just eat slow

After I ate Dawn took my temperature and it was 101.3. Dawn gave me medicine and let me sleep.

Kelley: Hopey you're back
Hope: yeah finally
Ali: how's Baby Horse
Hope: still how she was yesterday. I feel bad for leaving her but I needed to get out of that room
Ash: I know how you feel
Alex: is she eating?
Hope: she's tried but she can't keep it down. She has an IV though to keep her hydrated.
Tobin: how'd she take that?
Hope: she has stretch tape on her fingers so she can't rip it out
Allie: awe poor Baby Horse
Hope: trust me she's pitiful

The girls changed and then went to training. Hope was only able to participate in a couple drills. They came back and had lunch. Dawn then came up to check on me.

Dawn: I brought you crackers and peanut butter.
Me: thanks
Dawn: good well I'm just switching out your IV bag
Me: okay, when is Hope coming back?
Dawn: after training
Me: oh alright

Dawn left and went with the girls to training. Training was about an hour and half so when they came back they had time to shower before dinner.

Hope: Baby Horse I'm back
Me: Hopey I missed you
Hope: I missed you too but let's both get showered
Me: alright

Hope and I showered and then came out to clean sheets. I got back in bed and Hope headed down to dinner.

Hope: Dawn can I talk to you?
Dawn: yeah what's wrong?
Hope: Savannah is like really tiny, what is the plan?
Dawn: I'm not sure yet. When she gets better well weigh her and take some blood and go from there
Hope: alright
Dawn: will you bring her something to eat when you go up?
Hope: yeah, I will

Hope ate with the girls and then got toast for me. Hope made sure I ate and then put Vapor Rub on my chest before going to movie night. By the time, Hope came back I was out for the night. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now