Monday & Thursday January 9th & 12th

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I woke up at 6 and got dressed. I ate breakfast and then went to do my hair and makeup. I got my backpack and left the house at 7:15. I got to school at 7:30 and went to meet Brad and our group. We talked for a bit and then they headed to Bernard's while I went to Garvin's. She finished her lesson for first hour and called me over.

Garvin: how was the dog shelter this weekend?
Me: good, I got to meet most of them and we started training some of the puppies
Garvin: awe, so have you started on your paper?
Me: no I am going to do the journals and see the changes in the dogs so I can add that in
Garvin: good well if you need any help just let me know
Me: I will

The bell rang and Garvin started the lesson. We had free time at the end to our homework until the bell rang. I went to German and then went to get the boys. We ate lunch and then the boys napped. I woke them up at 2 and went to the school. I had cheer and then went to the stadium. We ate and then changed into our warm up gear. I led the warmups and then we put on our jerseys. Megan and I did captains and we won the coin toss and chose the other half to defend.

Caddo Magnet kicked off and kept the ball. Megan won on the backline and we passed around. We fought back and forth over the ball and it was 0-0 at halftime.

We took the field again and I sent the ball to Megan. Megan sent it out to Caroline who one touched it to me. I dribbled between their center defenders and slotted it past the keeper. We held off for the rest of the half and the final whistle blew. We got a cool down and then went to the locker room. Coach Barron talked to us and then we were free to go once we turned in our uniforms.

I went home and showered. I did my German homework while I ate dinner. I watched a movie and then went to bed.


I woke up at 6 and got dressed. I did my hair and makeup and then Lydia had breakfast ready. I ate and then went to school. I had my three schools and then went to get Cooper and Rand. The three of us ate and lunch and then they napped. I got my soccer bag ready and then called Hope.

Hope: hey Baby Horse
Me: hey
Hope: what's up?
Me: like I promised, today is a bad day.
Hope: okay how do you feel?
Me: I don't know empty or lonely I guess.
Hope: did you talk to Garvin?
Me: no, I'm not really in a talking mood. I just sat back and watched everything go on around me.
Hope: don't you have a game tonight?
Me: yeah, an away game
Hope: maybe that'll help
Me: maybe
Hope: thank you for telling me
Me: sometimes saying it's a bad day helps
Hope: well you will get through it, good luck tonight
Me: thanks, bye Hope
Hope: bye SB

I hung up and woke the boys. I gave them to their mom and then went to the stadium. We ate and then loaded the bus. I put on my headphones on stared out the window the whole ride. We unloaded and then got to watch the boys first half.

At the halftime whistle we put on our cleats and started our warmups on the other empty fields. We did a couple drills and then waited on the boys to finish. Once they did we got our shots in and then changed into our jerseys. Megan and I did captains and we got kick off defending our half first. We got our prayer and break before taking the field.

The whistle blew and I sent it back. A little while later Caroline got it and went up the sideline. She crossed it to me and I headed it in. we set back up and Benton kicked off. I won the ball and dribbled up the field. I shot at the top of the box to put us up by 2. Benton kicked off and Mary intercepted a pass. Mary sent it long for Caroline and she received it and cut in past the defender. Caroline shot near post and it went in for our third goal. The halftime whistle blew and we went over to the bench.

We went back out and Benton kicked off. 10 minutes later we got a free kick 25 yards out. Megan set up and took the kick. The ball bounced off a defender and went in. Mary won the kick off and played Connor. Connor cut in and buried her shot. Connor assisted Mary on her goal and then the final whistle blew.

We got a cool down and then went to the bus. The boosters got us pizza for the ride home. We got back to the stadium at 11:30. I turned in my jersey and headed home. I showered and let Duke go out before going to bed.


How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang