Tuesday February 14th

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I woke up at 6 and got dressed. I ate and went to school. My classes went by quickly and then I went to get the boys. I brought them to my house where Brad and Meg were waiting for me. Brad stayed and ate lunch with the boys while Meg and I went to the doctors. The doctor took a urine sample and a blood sample. 10 minutes later she came in and sat down.

Doctor: well you're not pregnant and upon knowing your condition and seeing your weight at 100. I calculated your BMI I believe your periods have stopped which is a condition called Amenorrhea
Me: will it come back?
Doctor: for you it will be a while. You should get it back when you get back to a normal weight and stay there
Me: can I still be intimate?
Doctor: yes you can, speaking of, your Nexplanon needs to be replaced and I can do that now if you want
Me: yes please

Once my Nexplanon was replaced Meg and I left and went to my house. The boys were asleep and I told Brad what it was before going to call Dawn. Dawn expected it and I just had to make sure I sent her the doctors results. I woke the boys and drove them to the school. I gave the boys to their moms and then went to soccer. I couldn't practice because I had blood taken so I just watched. After practice, I went home and showered.

Brad took Duke for a run and then showered. We ate dinner, did homework, and then watched a movie. Brad went home and I facetimed Hope after posting the photos with the new red kit.

Hope: Hey Baby Horse
Me: hey Hopey
Hope: what's wrong
Me: well I have Amenorrhea which is the lack of my period
Hope: when did you find this out?
Me: today at the doctors. I told Dawn and she said she expected it
Hope: you will get it back though. Right?
Me: yeah when I have a normal constant body weight
Hope: good
Me: yeah will its late I better go
Hope: alight bye Baby Horse
Me: bye Hope.

I hung up and Brad and I went to bed. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now