Tuesday & Saturday April 4th & 9th

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6 came to early and Brad was waking me up.

Brad: come on baby
Me: I don't want too
Brad: I know but you have to
Me: ugh

Brad helped me get dressed and then we ate breakfast before going to school. Brad went to Bernard's and I went to Garvin's.

Garvin: hey Hope told me for you to call her?
Me: yeah, I missed her call last night
Garvin: and why is that?
Me: I was watching the game
Garvin: uh huh sure

I went to her desk and did English. Garvin taught the lesson and then once I did German Brad and I left. We ate lunch at my house and then went over to PHS for his baseball game. The game ended at 5:30 and they won 8-2. Brad and I had dinner and then I called Hope.

Hope: hey Baby Horse
Alex: hey twin!
Me: hey Al, Hope, and Squirrel I know you're there too
Kell: hey!
Hope: anyways why didn't you answer yesterday?
Me: I was watching the game
Hope: I called after it was over
Kell: ooh
Me: oh well I just didn't hear it
Alex: ooh did my twin celebrate?
Hope: Alex! again really?
Alex: what she is 18
Me: Hope seems to forget that, anyways Hope do you know what today is?

Hope: I do

Kell: what, it's Tuesday, what's special?

Alex: yeah what?

Me: 2 years ago today

Hope: I met Baby Horse

Kell: wait its already been two years?
Me: yeah

Alex: wow
Me: so how's camp?
Hope: it's good
Kell: yeah we just miss you
Alex: yeah I miss my twin.
Me: I miss you guys too
Hope: well we have dinner, bye Baby Horse
Me: bye guys

Alex: bye twin

Kell: bye Baby Horse

The girls hung and Brad and I watched a movie before going to bed. 


I woke up at 8 and woke Brad. We ate breakfast and then I facetimed Hope.

Kell: hey Baby Horse!
Me: hey Kell, hey Hope
Hope: how was your appointment yesterday
Me: not good. I didn't make any progress
Hope: you're not going to make progress every time
Me: ugh my elbow is going to be stuck in a cast forever!
Kelley: you don't need an arm to play soccer
Hope: Kelley!
Me: she's right though
Hope: Savannah! Oh my god, your elbow is not going to be stuck in a cast forever it just takes time
Me: obviously
Hope: attitude is not needed
Kelley: well other than your elbow, what about your shoulder and ankle?
Me: shoulder is doing good and ankle is casted.

Alex: Twin! When's prom?
Me: hey Al, and this coming Thursday
Hope: what! Were you going to tell me?
Me: yeah eventually
Alex: who is helping you get ready?
Me: Garvin probably
Kell: have you found a dress?
Me: yeah, it's a burgundy, marron color.
Alex: ooh well I don't have to go back to Lyon until next Monday, so what do you say to me helping you get ready?
Me: yes! Well Megan, Claire, and Kiley are getting ready at my house too.
Alex: that's fine, I will come there tomorrow morning.
Kell: not fair! I have pre-season
Hope: I do to Kell. Well Alex are you staying that Thursday night?
Me: she doesn't have too

Alex: uh I don't know, I was probably going to leave for Orlando after she left
Kell: to go see Serv?
Me: he is her husband Kell, anyways I'm fine with that Al
Hope: I'm hoping you'll make good decisions then
Me: ugh I will
Alex: well we have an early lunch, bye Twin
Me: alrighty bye guys
Hope: bye SB
Kell: bye Baby Horse

I hung up with the girls and Brad and I watched TV until lunch. the game came on at 1 and Brad and I sat on the couch. Russia kicked off and then girls won the ball. In the 20th minute Casey pulled a foul and Carli converted the PK. A little bit later Rose score her first goal followed by one from Dunn. We somehow gave up a PK to Russia and had they scored. At the very end Russia had an own goal and it was 4-1 at half.

The girls came back out and Dunn had the only goal to end it at 5-1. The game ended around 2:45 and Garvin called at 3.

Garvin: hey would you be able to make it to Tripp's office by 4:30?
Me: yeah, I can, do I need to call Hope or my dad?
Garvin: both if you can and also if they can facetime for the meeting.
Me: alright I'll see

Brad called Hope while I called my dad. They both said they could. Brad drove us to Tripp's and the lawyers, Garvin's, Ainsworth, and Barron were there. Brad couldn't come in so he gave me his phone so I could facetime Hope while I facetimed my dad on mine.

Byrd's Lawyer: before we accept this deal, we want to lay everything out. Camilla Strober will be suspended 6 games and Byrd High School will be covering Savannah Solo's medical bills which have amounted to 26,353
Byrd's Principal: that money could be better spent on school supplies for our school
Our Lawyer: the money is coming from your athletic budget not the school's supply budget, you know that
Byrd's Lawyer: well we have discussed with Byrd's administration and Byrd High school will be in compliance with West Point's proposed settlement.

Everyone present had to sign the contract. The meeting ended at 6 and Brad drove us back to my house for dinner. After we ate we watched tv until going to bed. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now