Friday May 12th

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I changed things in the last chapter so go back and read so it makes sense!!!

The girls woke up at 7 waking me up.

Hope: were you expecting someone Baby Horse
Me: no why
Hope: I heard a car door.

The 6 of us walked out and there was a brand new black matte Range Rover was parked in the driveway. I grabbed the envelope from underneath the windshield wiper and opened it. Inside was the keys and a letter from my dad. I opened the letter and read it to the girls

Dear Savannah,
I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your graduation last night. I am too tangled up in things to leave anytime soon. I wish I could have been there to see you walk across that stage. Whatever you decide to do with the cars is up to you. I love and miss you, -Daddy

Me: Well let's go get breakfast
Hope: Sava
Me: I'm hungry

I walked in and Lydia had breakfast ready for everyone so we all sat down to eat.

Me: what time are your flights
Hope: 11:30
Ali: ours is 11
Kelley: mine is 11:30 too
Alex: and mine is 12

Alex: well what are you going to do Baby Horse?
Me: well after you guys leave I am headed down to Sulphur to watch Brad in the baseball finals
Kelley: you two are so cute and supportive it's gross
Ash: yeah, I agree
Me: oh whatever
Hope: hey before we leave can I talk to you
Me: yeah sure, will you 4 bring all the plates to the sink?
Ali: yes we can

Hope and I went to my room and sat on the couch.

Me: so
Hope: I know you're mad at your dad?
Me: maybe
Hope: come on talk to me.
Me: yeah I am, I mean who wouldn't? He didn't make my high school graduation and then just sends a car instead like my happiness is just based on money?
Hope: I know, has he stayed longer than a week since your mom died?
Me: uh no he hasn't and I see your point but I had to deal with it too and now my injuries without him
Hope: yes you have but if you want anything to change you need to talk to him
Me: I told him I wanted him to be there, what's hard about that?
Hope: I know but you have to talk to him about it and not just poke around it
Me: alright
Hope: well we better call the girls and head out before we are late
Me: yeah we should

The girls came in and all got their bags and then we loaded into my 4Runner. I drove them all to the airport and helped them out.

Me: bye guys thank you for coming
Alex: of course, I missed my twin
Kelley: and I missed my buddy
Me: I missed you both too and Ali and Ash
Hope: and me?
Me: I mean not really
Hope: oh sure
Me: I did miss you and good luck to all of you with your clubs

We all said bye and they went into the airport. I drove home and Garvin said she would be there in 10. I went to my room and started getting my things together.

Jayme: Solo! Where are you?
Me: my room
Jayme: what are you doing we need to go
Me: I know I just need to pack a couple things
Jayme: what else do you need I'll get it
Me: shorts and underwear
Jayme: okay do you have Duke's stuff
Me: yeah right here
Jayme: alright then we are good to go.
Me: okay

Garvin and I went out and she helped me into the car.

Rand: Vanna!
Me: hey bud, hey Aulds
Aulds: Hey Vanna

Garvin: so what is the new car sitting in the driveway for?
Me: it's my dad trying to make up for missing graduation last night
Garvin: oh
Me: yeah I haven't talked to him yet before you ask
Garvin: well it's really pretty
Me: it is

Coach Garvin pulled out and we started the 3 and a half hour ride. The boys and I put in the movie Monsters Inc. but all of us fell asleep. Coach Garvin pulled up into the parking lot waking me up.

Jayme: hey we're here
Me: mm
Jayme: will you wake the boys
Me: yeah I will

I woke the boys and helped them out of their car seats. Jayme helped me out of the seat and Coach Garvin had my scooter. Since it was gravel Jayme gave me a piggy back ride to solid concrete. I got on my scooter and Rand climbed on so he could ride to. We went in and got our seats. We were playing Sulphur in the semis and we won 8-2. Brad threw two no hitters and the team had two home runs. Coach Garvin drove us to the hotel and we checked in. The room was a suite with two rooms with king size beds connected by a common room.

Jayme: alright Todd will you shower the boys in our while I help Solo
Todd: Yeah, no problem

Jayme helped me shower and then into pajamas. The boys decided to sleep with me so Jayme and Todd kept Noah with them. We were all in bed and asleep by 11.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now