Sunday February 5th

530 18 0

I woke up and took Duke for his run. I came back and showered quickly. I put on my uniform and did my hair and makeup. I got Rand dressed and then we all went to breakfast. We ate and then went to the ESPN center.

Nate: alright girls last performance, leave it all out there.

We finished warming up and took the mat. From the time the music started and until it stopped we were the most energetic and had the biggest smiles that we've had all weekend. We hit everything and ran off the matt

Brothers: Girls that was perfect!
Nate: I don't think I've seen some of you smile that much, like ever

We watched other teams compete and I caught up with Ali and Ash. Rand came and sat with me so he could play with my phone.

Ash: do you think Garvin would let you come with us tomorrow?
Me: it's worth a shot
Ali: I'll ask Jayme at lunch
Me: okay

We went to lunch 30 minutes later. It was Garvin, Aulds, Rand, Me, Ali, Ash, and Nate. We ate and talked for a bit until Ali asked.

Ali: hey Jayme would it be okay if Ashlyn and I took Savannah for the day tomorrow, we'll bring her back by 9.
Garvin: sure, what time are you picking her up?
Ash: 5:30 so we can go surf
Me: yes!
Nate: Solo you surf?
Me: yeah Ash taught me last year
Ash: and she's already better than me
Garvin: she's like that in everything
Ali: oh we know
Me: hey!

We talked for a bit longer and then we all went to change. Once everyone was ready we went to Animal Kingdom. At the park, we saw all the animals and then went to the petting zoo. Rand, Aulds, Ash and I went around to each animal.

Garvin: Rand, Aulds come on we still have other things
Ali: Ash, Baby Horse you too, come on

We got out of the pen and went to some of the rides. Once the boys were tired we did the bug rides. At 6 we went back to ESPN for awards. We sat on the mat and the announcer came out.

Announcer: ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming to the UCA 2017 High School Nationals awards.

The man announced large and medium varsity before finally getting to the small varsity.

Announcer: In 4th place... Ridgedale High School. In 3rd place... Carmel Academy... In 2nd  place... Michael High School. Now in first place, drum roll please... West Point High School!

We all jumped up and celebrated. We got the trophy and brought it to Nate, Garvin, and Brothers.

Garvin: alright girls, let's go get jacket and rings!

We went and got fitted for rings and then jackets. We took pictures and then we were supposed to head to the celebration party.

Me: thank you for coming
Ali: of course,
Ash: yeah, go have fun. I will see you in the morning
Me: alright bye Ali, bye Ash
Them: bye Baby Horse

The celebration dance lasted 2 hours and then we went back to the resort at 10:30. I showered and then updated my log before crashing. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now