Friday February 17th

530 17 0

I woke up at 6 and got dressed. I ate and then went to school. I took Bernard's test and then went to second hour with my group.

Garvin: Solo, Megan, congratulations on the All-Star game
Us: thanks

We learned the lesson and then went to third hour. The bell rang and I went to get the boys. I brought them home and Lydia made lunch for the three of us.

Rand: Vanna can we color?
Me: sure, what do you want to color?
Rand: Thomas!
Cooper: Scooby!

I got their coloring books and then once the boys finished eating I let them color. Both of them fell asleep so I moved them to the couch and then a facetimed Hope.

Hope: hey Baby Horse
Me: hey I have news
Hope: okay
Me: I made the All-Star game, so did Megan
Hope: good, when is the final?
Me: the day after on the 23rd
Hope: what are you planning, they're both in New Orleans right?
Me: well I plan on staying in hotel on the 22nd and then meeting up with the team on the 23rd
Hope: is your team staying the night after?
Me: yeah and then we'll leave at 8 the next morning
Hope: alright well I think Jill is going to let me come
Me: what about Alex, Ali, and Ash
Hope: I know Alex can't she'll still be in France, I'm not sure about Ali or Ash, probably not though
Me: oh alright
Hope: you have the semi-final tonight don't you?
Me: yeah and Garvin just pulled up so bye Hope
Hope: bye Baby Horse, good luck

I hung up and woke the boys. Garvin took them home and I went to the school. We all got ready at 4 and warmups started at 4:45. Meg and I did captains and then changed our jerseys. Barron gave us a pep talk and then we took the field. The whistle blew and Mt. Carmel kicked off. We won the ball but lost it again. Both teams had shots but none went in. The half time whistle blew and it was 0-0.

Alex and Barron switched people around. Alex gave us a pep talk and we went back out. It stayed 0-0 for the first 30 minutes. We finally got a corner and Megan sent it in. the keeper punched it out straight to Caroline who one touched it into the back of the net. The final whistle blew 8 minutes later. We got a cool down and the went to the locker room. We changed and then Barron came in to talk to us.

Barron: good job ladies. I was just informed that Byrd beat Ascension so we have a rematch in the final. Let your teachers know that you will be missing Thursday and Friday. That is all have a good night.

We left and Brad came to my house. We took Duke for his run and then ate dinner. We showered and watched a movie before going to bed. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now