Tuesday January 17th

693 23 0

Hope: Twins get up!
Alex: nooo get out
Me: mmmm
Hope: you two have breakfast at 7 and training at I
Alex: don't care
Me: shut up I'm sleeping
Hope: fine you want me to do it the hard way, I will

Hope grabbed the end of the covers and pulled them off.

Alex: Hope!
Me: why

Alex got up but I just curled into a ball. Hope grabbed my ear and pulled me out of bed.

Me: ow! That hurts
Hope: should have gotten up. Now go brush your teeth so we can go eat
Me: ugh

I brushed my teeth and out on my shoes. The three of us then headed down to breakfast and ate.

Hope: how did your game go?
Me: good we won 2-0. Caroline and I scored.
Alex: good job
Me: oh, look at this bruise
Hope: Savannah pu
Me: gotta love Byrd's enter defender, she hates me
Hope: Savannah Blaire put your leg down we're eating
Alex: why does she hate you?
Me: I don't know. She's just always out to foul me.
Hope: does she get called on it
Me: yeah sometimes

We finished eating and Alex and I went to get out gear. We changed and then went to the lobby.

Dawn: twins good morning
Alex: good morning
Me: morning
Dawn: well Beck will be meeting us at the center

Dawn drove us to the center and Alex and I warmed up.

Beck: alright first you're doing the verticals and then the 40. Stretching after and then you'll finish with the beep test
Me: fun

We did the jumps and then Alex went first on the 40. Alex had a 4.52. I went and had a 4.32 Beck measured Alex's stretches while Dawn did mine.

Dawn: alright twins, beep test time
Alex: ugh

Alex and I started and it was fine until about 52. Alex stopped at 65 and I struggled up to 70.

Dawn: good job you two, Baby Horse I need to take your blood and Beck wants to check your ankle
Me: okay

Alex held my hand while Dawn took my blood and then Beck come over.

Beck: I think this is the best I've ever seen it
Me: it feels good. I've even started weaning off tape
Beck: good. I'm glad to see its better. I still want to ice it to help with prevention
Me: alright

Beck put ice on my ankle and we all went back to the hotel. We went to lunch and Hope joined us.

Hope: how was it?
Me: I hate running
Alex: me too
Hope: what did you two get?
Alex: 4.52 and 65
Me: 4.34 and 70
Hope: good
Me: yeah well, I need to shower and get my work for school
Alex: I just need to shower
Me: race you
Alex: you're on
Hope: oh lord, be careful!

Alex and I raced up to the room and we tied but I was the first one out of my clothes.

Alex: I hate you
Me: sucks

I got in the shower and then got and got dressed. I got my work done while Alex showered. Alex came out and then Kelley, Tobin, and Allie came in.

Allie: let's go eat somewhere tonight
Me: I'm down
Alex: where?
Kelley: we saw, a place called Restaurant 917
Tobin: sounds cool to me

We talked for a bit and then got ready to go eat. Tobin had a black dress, Kelley had green, Allie had red, Alex had pink and I had white. We left at 6 and were seated at a table by 7. We ordered and talked while we ate.

Kelley: Baby Horse how has your season been?
Me: good were 22-0, score 85, and conceded 0
Allie: damn
Tobin: how many goals do you have?
Me: 31 with 2 regular games left for me and then 4 games for state
Alex: I don't know how you do it
Me: yeah me neither

We finished eating and got ice cream on the way back to the hotel. We changed into pajamas and then had movie night in mine and Alex's room. I feel asleep on Hope and she just stayed there for the night.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now