Wednesday February 8th

568 18 0

Our alarms went off at 2 and we got up. Garvin had her backpack pack on, Aulds in one arm, and her suitcase behind her while I was the same with Rand and had Duke following me. We went down to the lobby and everybody came down. We got the airport and got through security before going to the gate. We boarded and Garvin and Aulds were beside me, Rand and Duke. As soon as we took off I fell asleep.

We landed in West Point at 7. In order for me to play tonight I had to go to school, so Brad picked up Garvin, the boys, Duke, and I and drove us to the school. Garvin took the boys home and I went to Barron's. I slept for the 3 hours I had to be there and then went home. Lydia made lunch and I ate and then facetimed Hope.

Hope: hey Baby Horse
Me: hey
Hope: did you see the roster came out?
Me: yeah, I'm joining you guys on the 24th
Hope: good, how was your flight?
Me: alright, I slept the whole way
Hope: of course, you did, how is your weight
Me: 99 this morning, I'm on my second drink of the day
Hope: good, are you ready for your game?
Me: yeah, oh I forgot to tell you. Nike sent me the new Hypervenoms, you know the ones Alex modeled.
Hope: yeah when did you get them?
Me: they came on the 4th
Hope: are you wearing them tonight?
Me: probably, if not I'll wear my ones from Brad
Hope: oh. Well I have to go, bye Baby Horse
Me: bye Hope

I hung up with Hope and took Duke for his run. I came back and fed him before getting my soccer bag ready. Duke and I got in my Audi and went to the locker room. The girls were just finishing eating.

Meg: hey how was Orlando?
Me: good, I got to see Ali and Ash and meet Alex's husband Serv and their dog Blue
Meg: ugh I'm jealous
Me: so, what did you do last week?
Meg: a lot of defense and midfield connection
Me: gross
Meg: well I'm taking a nap wake me at 4.
Me: I will

Most of the girls wanted to nap so they turned off the lights making Caroline and I go outside to go outside to do our homework. At 4 we went back and woke the girls. Everyone got dressed and we went out for warmups. Meg and I did captains and then we got our break. We took the field and Baton Rouge kicked off. We won the ball and it took us 20 minutes to get into our groove. We won a corner and Megan sent it in. Anna received it and passed it in. Halftime came 10 minutes later and we went to the bench.

Barron: that wasn't bad but you aren't connecting out there. Are we off page, don't have enough time, not talking, what is it?
Mary: it just feels off
Barron: anything else?
Me: well yeah it feels off. I think we're too frantic. If we calm down we'll realize that we have more time. We also do need to talk more than we are
Meg: I agree, also defense we need to bring our lineup more and not be so flat.
Barron: good, let's get the ball out wide and attack the end line

We got our break and went back out. The whistle blew and we kicked off. Abby assisted me on my goal and then I assisted Mary on hers. The final whistle blew and we got a cool down before we were free to go. Duke and I went home and had dinner. I showered and went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now