Monday January 23rd

628 18 0

Hope woke up at 6 and then woke me up.

Hope: how are you feeling Baby Horse
Me: good, take my temp!
Hope: alright chill your pants... its 98.2
Me: yes! Now tell Dawn so she can take this damn IV out
Hope: Savannah Blaire
Me: please?
Hope: better I'll be back

Hope came back with Dawn.

Dawn: Hope tells me you're at 98.2
Me: yeah can I go watch training today?
Dawn: yes, but you need to not spread your germs please
Me: yes! Now can you take this out, please
Dawn: yes, I will

Dawn took my IV out and I got up

Dawn: now shower and before you go to breakfast I need to weigh you and take blood.
Me: alright

I showered and then Hope and I went to the training room. I stepped on the scale and we were all shocked.

Me: 98 pounds?
Hope: wow
Dawn: well let me get some blood so I can make a plan
Me: okay.

Dawn took my blood and then Hope and I went to breakfast.

Kelley: Baby Horse!
Alex: Twin!
Me: hey guys I would hug but I'm not completely recovered
Ash: yeah then stay away from me.

I fixed my plate and sat with the girls. I ate everything on my plate and finished the drink Dawn made me. Once everyone finished we all changed into our gear. I put on my black Nikes and then grabbed my sunglasses before loading the bus. We went to the fields and the girls went into warmups. I helped Dawn set up for the offensive drills. As they went I shagged balls and then helped pick up and reset for other drills. The girls finished and we loaded the bus back up. Back at the hotel we ate lunch and then Dawn called Hope and I to the training room.

Dawn: well your metabolism has speed up once again. It was only by a little bit but with the current situation it can turn into something way worse. I am upping you to 5,000 a day with 3 drinks a day
Hope: so, what's her status
Dawn: well she is in the severely underweight category and if we don't get your weight up it could cause other serious problems
Me: uh can I be excused
Dawn: go ahead, I'll finish up with Hope

I got up and went to find Ali. She was in her in room with Ash watching TV.

Ali: Baby Horse what's wrong why are you crying
Me: since I... I was sick...I lost... w..weight and now I..I'm severely...un..
Ash: take a deep breath, calm down
Ali: good now finish
Me: now I'm severely underweight
Ash: how much do you weigh?
Me: 98 pounds
Ash: wow
Ali: Ash!, so what's the plan?
Me: I have to eat 5,000 calories and have 3 drinks a day
Ali: maybe it won't be too bad
Me: what if I don't gain it back
Ash: you will
Ali: well come on we have one last training

We went down and loaded the bus. Training wasn't long and we headed back to the hotel. We ate and then had movie night. I did calculus and then went to bed. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now