Monday January 16th

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I woke up at 6 and got dressed. I ate and then went to school. I went to Garvin's and put grades in for her. 2nd hour ended and then I went to German. I went to get the boys and then met Brad at my house. The 4 of us ate lunch and then the boys napped.

Me: thank you for helping me pack
Brad: of course, also I'll ride up to the school with you that way I can drive you to the airport.
Me: great thank you

I finished packing and Brad woke the boys. I got my cheer and soccer bag ready and we went up to the school. I had cheer practice and then Brad and I went to the stadium. I did homework with Megan and then Megan and I went into the separate locker room leaving Duke with Brad so we could take a nap. We woke up at 4:15 and started getting ready.

We went out and got warmups. I got my shots in and then went to change into my jersey. Megan and I did captains and we were defending the other half and had kickoff. We got our prayer and break before taking the field.

The whistle blew and we kicked off against Brad. It was a physical half and at halftime it was still 0-0. We went back out ad Byrd kicked off. Megan won it and caught Byrd's backline off guard with a long ball. I chased it down and the goal keeper charged. I faked a shot and she dove letting me dribble around her and pass it in. Byrd had kick off again and we held them. We won a corner and Megan sent it in to Caroline who headed it in. The final whistle blew after kickoff.

Barron talked to us as we got a cool down. It was 7:15 by the time I changed and got my stuff together. Brad quickly drove me home and put my bags in his truck while I quickly showered. We made it to the airport by 9 and I said goodbye. I went through security and boarded my flight.

When we leveled out I stretched out and fell asleep. The attendant woke me up and I buckled my seatbelt. The plane landed at 3:15 and I was picked up by a staff member. I got to the hotel at 4:30 and crashed. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now