Friday March 24th

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Hope and I woke up at 6 and I was actually able to put on my shirt and shorts by myself, Hope just had to button them. Hope drove me to school and I went to Garvin's.

Garvin: you got a new cast
Me: yeah
Garvin: well here are your three tests and your highlighter
Me: that just cracks you up doesn't it
Garvin: that and that your highlighter marks aren't straight
Me: hey! I'm doing the best
Garvin: I know now take your tests and don't fail
Me: I won't

I took all of my tests by the end of second hour. Garvin's third hour was Juniors which were at meeting so it was just me and her. Garvin sat next to me and we talked all hour.

Me: Hope told me I called her mama
Garvin: and?
Me: and she was right, it scared me.
Garvin: what about it scares you?
Me: I didn't realize I was close to calling her mama
Garvin: is it being close to Hope or feeling like you've replaced your mom?
Me: the second but I know I can't and I know Hope's not trying to
Garvin: she's not but I think it's good that you have her
Me: I'm really glad I do I just it scares me
Garvin: I know it does
Me: I'm glad I have you too Jayme
Garvin: I'm glad you weaseled your way in
Me: well Hope's here
Garvin: alright bye Solo, bye Duke
Me: bye Jayme

Duke and I went to the car and Hope drove us home. We had lunch and then went to the PT place.

Parker: hey I'm Parker Booth, you must be Savannah and Hope and of course Duke
Me: yes
Parker: well let's get you seated here, do you have a tank top you can wear?
Me: I have a sports bra
Parker: that'll work

Hope helped me out of brace and long sleeve. Parker then felt around my shoulder.

Parker: well let's see what range of motion we are starting with, are you left handed?
Me: yes
Parker: okay just making sure

With Parker's help, I moved my arm half way up.

Parker: not bad, but I am going to hook you up to the STIM machine to get your muscles going again. After that we'll brace you back up.
Me: alright

Parker hooked me up and I sat there for 20 minutes. Once I finished I put my shirt back on and Parker put my shoulder brace on.

Parker: well I will see you on Monday
Me: alright see you then

Hope drove us home and we ate dinner. Once we finished I went to the couch.

Hope: here is your medication and an oxycodone because you'll feel your therapy tomorrow
Me: thanks

I took my medication and was asleep an hour later. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now