Thursday April 20th

547 23 0

I woke up at 6 and ate breakfast. I put on one of Brad's baseball tees and then put on my shorts which I still couldn't button. I grabbed my bag and then my Audi Keys.

Lydia: I can drive you, if you want?
Me: it's fine, I've been wanting to start driving again anyways
Lydia: alright be careful please
Me: I will

I got in my car and backed out. I made it to the school without any problems and parked.

Me: hey I need a favor really quick before the bell rings
Garvin: what?
Me: will you button my shorts again?
Garvin: there you go... wait did you drive yourself?
Me: maybe
Garvin: as long as Hope is okay with it
Me: we'll find out later, anyways are you still coming to help me at 4?
Garvin: yes, now go take your tests
Me: alright

I was finished with all three by the middle of second hour. Kiley and Megan finished theirs and came to sit next to me so we could talk about the banquet tonight.

Garvin: girls hush, tests are out

Garvin gave us the look from her computer desk across the room. We stopped for a bit and then started again when Kiley showed us a post on Instagram.

Me: when did they become a thing?
Kiley: supposedly they hooked at prom
Megan: at Kaitlyn's after party
Me: why does that not surprise me?
Garvin: seriously girls, Solo up here next to me
Me: dang

I got up and moved next to Garvin's. The bell rang 10 minutes later and Kiley and Megan left. The advantage of sitting next to Garvin was that I could bug her.

Garvin: Solo, you're driving me nuts
Me: you could just let me go home
Garvin: yes go, leave me alone
Me: well I will see you later then, by Garvin
Garvin: bye Solo

I left and drove home. Lydia made me lunch and then I called Hope.

Hope: hey Baby Horse
Me: hey Hopester
Hope: you seem to be in a good mood
Me: I am, I drove today
Hope: you what!
Me: I drove today?
Hope: are you cleared to drive?
Me: why wouldn't I be?
Hope: the medication you're on and your arm
Me: well I stopped taking my pain medication and what about my arm, I have another one
Hope: you do and I'm glad you partially thought this out

Me: partially?
Hope: what shoulder does your seatbelt go over?
Me: my left
Hope: if anything were to happen and god forbid you somehow crashed, you could reinjure your shoulder
Me: but my shoulder is healed
Hope: freshly healed, you know that once you hurt something you're more likely to hurt it again
Me: so what I'm never going to be able to drive again
Hope: I'm not saying that, I just think you should wait a little bit longer
Me: I don't want to wait
Hope: Savannah I know but you should
Me: well I'm going to PT and if Parker thinks I should wait then I will
Hope: alright I can deal with that
Me: okay bye Hope
Hope: bye SB

I hung up with Hope and then drove to PT. I went in and Parker hooked me up to the machines. After they went off I did my shoulder stretches and then worked on my elbow. Parker went to set my elbow and it would only go to 102

Me: only two more?
Parker: I know it's frustrating but it at least made some progress
Me: yeah i guess, so do you think I could drive?
Parker: I don't see why not, as long as you don't take your medication before you do
Me: of course, and thank you
Parker: no problem, bye Savannah
Me: bye Parker

I drove myself home and got back at 2:30. I put on Grey's and waited until Garvin came over to help me get ready. Garvin did my makeup and then my hair. Garvin helped me into my black romper and then zipped it up.

Garvin: how many rompers do you have?
Me: probably to many at this point
Garvin: well is Brad coming?
Me: yeah, he is meeting me there
Garvin: just making sure, it's almost 5:40 you better go
Me: thank you Jayme
Garvin: of course, have fun Savannah

I got in the car with Duke and drove to the banquet hall. Megan, Matt, Brad, and Caroline were waiting for me so we could all get seats together. Once everyone was there, the players went to the lobby and lined up by grade and alphabet. Alex called out names as we walked in. After all the names were called out we were able to get food. Everyone ate and talked until Natalie the assistant JV coach came up. Natalie announced the 3 JV awards and then Barron started the Varsity awards.

Barron: so, I'm going to start with the All-District, All-Northeast, All-State and our All-American. I'm calling all of them at once so girls stay up here. 1st Team All-District, Kimberly Bowman, Mary Lander, Megan Portick, Savannah Solo, and Emily Whitman. 2nd team was Allie Cowan, Caroline Grewer, and Therese Miller.

Barron: 1st Team All-Northeast was Caroline Grewer, Mary Lander, Megan Portick and Savannah Solo. 2nd Team was Connor Bailey, Taylor Herbert, Therese Miller, and Emily Whitman. 1st team All-State was Megan Portick and Savannah Solo. And finally our only All-American was Savannah Solo.

We all got our plaques and patches before taking pictures. We went back to our seats and waited for Barron to do the next awards.

Barron: Our next award is the Golden Boot award. She was gone a lot but still managed to score 36 goals breaking her previous school record and also setting a new one with 25 assists, this award goes to Savannah Solo.

I got up and received my award. I took pictures with Barron and Alex and then went back to my school. Caroline got the most improved and then sat back down.

Barron: These next awards are voted on by the girls. First up is the Most Valuable Defender. This girl had been on the backline for 4 years now and the girls call her the rock. She is one of the most positive, upbeat girl I've ever coached. She is the encourager to Solo's enforcer, 3rd year in a row, Megan Portick.

Megan got her award and then Mary won the Most Valuable midfielder and then Caroline got the Most Valuable Forward.

Barron: This next award is our overall MVP, this also goes with our Coach's award this year. I have known this girl for many years now and she has been through some rough times this year. Even with those times she always kept up her hard work and never lost focus. I have had the pleasure of watching her grow into an extraordinary young lady and I can't wait to hear about everything you else you accomplish. These two awards go to Savannah Solo.

I got up and got my two awards, I took pictures with Alex and Barron and then Megan came up and joined me at the podium.

Megan: this year we decided to do the permeant captains as a pass the torch. Taking my place as the encourager as they call me is Mallory Mortar.
Me: and taking my place as the enforcer is Caroline Grewer.

Both of them came up and we took pictures as we handed them the awards. They headed back to their seats while I went back to the microphone.

Me: this isn't scheduled and our coaches don't know about this but the girls and I wanted to do something special. As you all know this was Alex's last year being a Lady Rebel Soccer Coach. We all got together and went through pictures that we had. From there we picked the best and made you this.

Brad brought up the 24x28 picture collage. Alex came up and looked at the pictures before taking my place at the podium.

Alex: thank you so much girls. I am going to miss all of you so much. And before I start crying, all of you know that I am only one phone call away. Again, thank you girls.

Alex and I sat down and the video started. Pictures of us seniors as babies were first. They went as we got older. There was a recent picture of me that I know only one person had and everyone started laughing. The video then switched to pictures of everyone. The video ended and we all took our final pictures. Brad, Duke and I left and met back at my house. We got back at 9 and Brad helped shower and take off my makeup. We ate dinner and then celebrated my last soccer banquet before crashing at 12.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now