Thursday January 19th

718 23 0

Alex woke up at 6:30 and yelled over to wake me up.

Alex: come on Baby Horse
Me: mmm
Alex: it's 6:30
Me: I don't feel good

Alex got up and saw I was sweating and then sheets were soaked. Alex felt my forehead.

Alex: you're burning up, I'll go get Dawn
Me: and Hope?
Alex: and Hope

Alex texted Hope on her way to find Dawn. Dawn grabbed her kit and then went with Alex back to the room.

Dawn: alright Baby Horse what hurts
Me: everything, and where's Hope
Alex: I texted her but she hasn't responded
Me: go get her
Alex: okay

Alex left and Dawn took my temperature.

Dawn: 101.2. I'm going to give you some Peramivir and I want you to drink this whole water bottle
Me: okay
Dawn: I'll be back with some food
Me: okay

Dawn got up and left.

*Hope's and Tobin's Room*

Alex: Hope you're not up? It 6:45
Tobin: shh I'm sleeping
Alex: Hope
Hope: mm
Alex: Baby Horse is sick
Hope: cool
Alex: Hope?

Alex walked over and saw Hope in the same condition as me.

Alex: oh lord, alright Tobin get up and go to breakfast before you get sick too
Tobin: ugh fine I'll send Dawn

Tobin walked out right as Dawn walked out of my room.

Tobin: hey Hope is sick too
Dawn: dammit

Dawn then went into Hope's room.

Dawn: alright Alex go on to breakfast, also it will be best if you and Hope switched rooms.
Alex: alright I'll get my after I eat
Dawn: okay

Alex left and went to eat

Dawn: Hope I'm going to take your temperature
Hope: how's Savannah?
Dawn: she's at 101.2. We're going to move you to her room, so come on I got your stuff.
Hope: alright

Dawn walked Hope down to my room

Me: Hopey! wait your sick too?
Dawn: She is, Hope take this. I'll be back with food

Dawn left and I sat up.

Me: Hopey come over here
Hope: no, you come over here
Me: ugh

I got up and got in with Hope. I cuddled into her and we both fell asleep.

Dawn: hey Alex, when you go up will you bring these plates to Hope and Savannah?
Alex: yeah of course

Everyone finished eating and Dawn talked to the girls.

Dawn: Alright ladies the Solos have the flu. Be sure that you aren't drinking after each other please. If you start feeling bad come tell me immediately. That is all.

Alex came up and saw Hope and I asleep.

Alex: Hope... Hope
Hope: mm yeah?
Alex: I have your food, both of you need to eat
Hope: alright thank you
Alex: also, Sarah will be checking in on you two
Hope: okay

Alex gathered her stuff and left.

Hope: Baby Horse time to eat
Me: I'm not hungry
Hope: I know I'm not either but we need to eat.

Hope unwrapped our food and there were bananas, turkey sandwiches and two glasses of milk. I ate half of my sandwich and my banana. Hope forced herself to eat all her food.

Hope: Savannah you need to drink so you're not dehydrated
Me: noo
Hope: just a couple sips
Me: fine

I drank a couple sips and then laid back down. I fell asleep quickly and Sarah came in shortly after.

Sarah: hey how are you feeling?
Hope: horrible but she's worse than me
Sarah: well Dawn thinks you got it from her
Hope: I probably did
Sarah: well get some sleep I'll be back in an hour

Hope fell asleep but was woken up by me throwing up 15 minutes later.

Hope: SB you're okay, you're fine, breathe

Hope rubbed my back until there was nothing left in my stomach.

Hope: alright let's get back in bed
Me: no I like the cold floor
Hope: fine but I'm freezing, call out for me alright
Me: yeah sure

I fell asleep and Hope went to sleep in the bed. Sarah came in with Dawn at 11 and Dawn came to me while Sarah went to Hope.

Dawn: Baby Horse did you eat?
Me: I tried but didn't stay down.
Dawn: alright let's get you some of your drink and some more medicine in you
Me: okay

Dawn helped me up and got me to my bed. I took my medicine and a couple sips of my drink. Dawn took my temperature and it was still 101.2.

Sarah: Hope how are you feeling
Hope: better I just feel dehydrated
Sarah: well your down to 99.1 so that's good. I brought you some lunch
Hope: thank you

Hope ate her soup and sandwich and finished her drink.

Dawn: well Hope I think by tomorrow your fever should be broken
Hope: what about Savannah?
Dawn: I'm not sure, right now she's not keeping food down and her fever hasn't changed.
Hope: oh
Dawn: yes, but we are going to figure something out
Hope: alright
Dawn: now Baby Horse I want you to eat your soup that's all
Me: okay

I ate my soup but it came straight back up. I also threw up the medicine I had just taken.

Dawn: alright well take some more medicine and go back to sleep.

I did as she said and Hope fell asleep too. Dawn and Sarah left to find Beck so they could figure something else.

Beck: you could do an IV
Dawn: ha, she hates needles and that would only help with hydration so I want to keep that as a last resort
Sarah: well why don't we try like a couple crackers every hour and see if she can keep them down
Beck: that would be good. Also, if Hope is well enough she could try getting her in the shower to bring her fever down.
Dawn: and we can get clean sheets at the same time.
Sarah: I'll tell her when I bring them dinner.

At 6 Sarah came in and woke us up.

Sarah: Alright, Hope I brought you the same dinner as the girls and Baby Horse I brought you some crackers to see if you can keep them down.
Hope: thank you Sarah
Sarah: of course, also if you're up for it we want you to get Savannah to shower so we can change the sheets and it might bring her fever down.
Hope: yeah, I can do that
Sarah: great thank you

I ate my 5 crackers and then laid down. Hope finished her dinner and then got up.

Hope: alright Baby Horse we need to shower
Me: mm
Hope: I'll let you wear one of my shirts
Me: okay

Hope helped me undress and get in the shower. Hope washed my hair and then hers before getting out and then helping me out. We dried off and I put on Nike pros and one of Hope's shirts. I got in my bed and laid there.

Dawn: how are you two feeling?
Hope: better
Dawn: Baby Horse?
Me: I can't breathe and my chest hurts
Dawn: anything else?
Me: my head and my stomach hurts and my whole body is sore
Hope: what did you catch the man flu?
Me: leave me alone
Dawn: well eat these crackers and then drink your Nyquil
Me: okay

I ate my crackers and took my medicine. Hope took some too and then Dawn took our plates. On her way, out she turned off the lights and Hope and I were out for the night.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now