Wednesday February 22nd

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Brad and I woke up at 6 and finished my sendoff from the previous night in the shower. I got dressed and dried my hair before eating breakfast. I grabbed my backpack and Brad and I went to school. I went to Garvin's while the rest of my group went to Bernard's.

Garvin: hey are you all set with your work for the next two weeks?
Me: yes, I have it all on my computer
Garvin: good, do you have all your stuff ready?
Me: yes, I packed last night
Garvin: alright what time are you leaving?
Me: at 1
Garvin: good

I graded homework until first hour ended and then learned the lesson second hour. I went to German and then picked up the boys. We had lunch and then the boys fell asleep. Brad came over at 12 to see me before I left.

Brad: hey so my parents are coming to watch the final
Me: oh good
Brad: yeah, is Hope coming?
Me: I think so. She is supposed to confirm later tonight
Brad: alright well let me know
Me: I will, and I will see you tomorrow
Brad: bye baby I love you
Me: bye I love you too.

I put Duke in the Audi while Brad put my bags in the back. I left and drove to Loews New Orleans Hotel. I checked in at 5:30 and changed into my blue West jersey before headed to the stadium. I parked and let Duke out. I walked in and found Megan.

Me: hey Meg
Meg: hey how was your drive?
Me: it was alright, you?
Meg: mom drove
Me: must be nice
Meg: please I play you in like 50 minutes, I needed all the sleep I could get.
Me: true, well come on Maria and Tom is over there

We talked over to our coach and met the other girls on our team. We out our cleats on and warmed up. Once the division 3 championship game ended we moved to the field. The West team had Therese while the East team had a girl named Kiera. Kick off was at 7 and the East team kicked off.

Both teams were made of the best players of the state so we were evenly matched. Therese made a fantastic save and punted it out immediately. It went farther than I expected. Megan was closer but I was faster. I got to the ball and blasted it past Kiera. We went to halftime and listened to Maria.

Maria: good job girls, we just need to connect more in our midfield. Other than that, we are doing great.

We went back out and kicked off. I sent it back to Audrey. We kept it and went up the field. We spent 30 minutes in the East team's half before Ellie finally scored our second goal. 10 minutes went by and the final whistle blew. Megan and I both got MVP of our teams and took a picture. It was almost 9 so we headed back to the hotel. I showered and then fed Duke while I ordered room service. I ate and then went to bed.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now