Monday & Thursday April 10th & 13th

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Pictures go left to right; Brad & Savannah, Claire & Hunter, Kiley & Justin, Megan & Matt

Brad and I woke up at 6 and got dressed before eating breakfast. After we ate Brad drove us to school.

Garvin: Solo, I meant to ask, am I helping you get ready for Prom?
Me: yeah if you can, Alex is also coming to help since there's four of us
Garvin: alright breakfast is at 8:30 right?
Me: yes
Garvin: then I'll be there

Garvin taught the lesson and I did my English. 2nd hour started and we watched the lesson. Once third hour ended Brad drove us back to my house.

Alex: Twin!
Me: Al!
Alex: I've missed you
Me: I missed you too, how's Lyon, I heard about your hat trick
Alex: it's great! I really like it even though I miss everyone
Me: yeah, I bet
Alex: well how are you doing?
Me: good, the lawyers reached a settlement, my PT is going well, I have an appointment today at 3.
Brad: speaking of, I have baseball, could you take her?
Alex: of course

The 3 of us ate lunch and then Brad head to go.

Alex: so now that we don't have Hope around, how are you and Brad?
Me: good we're back to normal, how are you and Serv?
Alex: good as we can be for being in different countries.
Me: do you have stuff planned for this weekend?
Alex: maybe, what do you have planned for Thursday

Me: a party and then some
Alex: well I'm guessing since you've been together for almost 4 years that it's a good some
Me: definitely and since you're married that it's good for you
Alex: yes, so speaking of that party, does Hope know?
Me: nope and you're not going to tell her
Alex: wasn't planning on it.

We talked about soccer afterwards and then at 2:30 Alex and I left to go to my PT appointment.

Parker: so instead of doing the machines, we are going to do a massage.
Me: alright, oh and this is Alex, Alex this is Parker
Parker: it's good to meet you
Alex: it is good to meet you too

Parker helped me out of my braces and then he massaged my shoulder. 15 minutes later Parker helped me move my shoulder around. Once I finished I got my brace back on and we left. Alex drove me home and we got back at 4:15. Alex and I watched Grey's until eating dinner at 7:30. Brad won his game but his mom wanted him home so it was just Alex and me. We watched a movie and then went to bed.


Alex and I woke up at 8 and went to check on breakfast. Lydia had made waffles and had cut up fresh fruit. Megan, Kiley, Claire, and Garvin came over. We all ate and then we got everything set up. We started getting ready at 12. We all were curling our hair but Claire had to straighten hers before she could curl it. After hair was done we did make up.

Garvin: alright girls its 4:30 let's get dressed.

Alex helped me into my dress and then tied my shoe. The boys pulled up at 4:45. We all walked out into the living room and they were speechless.

Brad: damn
Hunter: uh yeah
Garvin: boys, corsages?
Justin: oh uh yeah, we have them.

The boys put on our corsages and then we did their boutonnieres.

Garvin: alright let's load up so were not late for pictures.

We went around town with the photographer and took pictures before going to dinner at Ruth Chris's.

Garvin: alright be careful
Alex: make good decisions
Me: ugh we will
Garvin: watch the attitude
Brad: she meant thank you
Me: I do and Twin I will see you whenever I can come to camp
Alex: well good luck with PT, bye Baby Horse
Me: bye Al

Garvin and Alex left and we went in at ate. After dinner, the limo picked us up and drove us to the school. We stayed at the dance for about an hour half before getting on the party bus with 15 other people. We got to my house around 1 and there was like 300 people already waiting. We went in and the party started and lasted until around 5 when everyone was either passed out or ubered home.

Brad: well let's go celebrate our last prom
Me: make it the best one yet?
Brad: definitely

Brad and I passed out in my bed around 6.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin