Friday & Saturday January 27th & 28th

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Cait's alarm went off at 7 and we got up. Kiley and I joined Cait on her run. We came back at 8 and had breakfast.

Cait: other than my 10:30 – 12 class I have nothing until I have to get ready so you two can join me or you can do something else.
Me: we're going to meet up with the other two in our group and find something to do.
Cait: okay well I will see you two back here at 4:30?
Kiley: yup we can do that
Cait: alright bye you two

We said bye and went to meet Brad and Justin. We decided to go to the Botanical Gardens and spent most of the day there. We had a late lunch at 2 and then Kiley and I got back to the KD house at 4:15.

Cait: hey some of the girls gave me two basketball jerseys to give to you on behalf of the varsity team.
Kiley: oh, my god thank you
Me: these are perfect
Cait: well let's get ready

We all did our hair and makeup before getting dressed. Cait put on her uniform and Kiley put on the blue jersey with white shorts while I had the white jersey with blue jean shorts. When we finished, it was 5 and we headed to the Dean Smith Arena. We watched the team warmup and then went to the student section and met up with Brad and Justin.

We met a lot of the football team and some of the soccer girls. Tip off was at 7 and then whole game we cheered along with the student section. UNC beat Duke 90-83. We got roped into the rush on Franklin Street and eventually made it back to the KD house and crashed at 2:30. 


Cait's alarm went off at 8 and the 3 of us groaned but got up. Kiley and I got our stuff together and ate breakfast before Anson and Coach Fedora pulled up with Justin and Brad.

Cait: well I am not worried about leaving with two coming in
Kiley: thank you and thank you for letting us stay with you
Cait: of course, bye girls
Me: bye Cait

Kiley and I got in the SUV

Fedora: Hi, I'm Coach Fedora
Kiley: Hey, I'm Kiley Brandan
Me: and I'm Savannah Solo
Fedora: I've heard that you two have made quite the impression on everyone
Anson: oh, they have

We talked for the whole ride to the airport. We said our goodbyes and went to our gate. We boarded at 11 and landed back in West Point at 12:30 because of the time difference. The 4 of us had lunch at my house and then everyone went to their own houses. I had dinner and then crashed around 9. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now