Sunday January 29th

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I woke up at 7:30 and ate breakfast. I got dressed and went to the animal shelter. I did the sessions and my journals. I finished around 3 and went straight to the airport. I went to Hope's gate and her flight landed at 3:30.

Me: Hope
Hope: hey Baby Horse
Me: how was your flight?
Hope: good how was your week?
Me: great, I'm still at 98 I've stuck to the plan though
Hope: good. Well let's go get your dad

We went to my dad's gate and he landed at 4.

Me: Daddy!
Dad: hey squirt, hey Hope
Hope: hey general
Dad: how have the both of you been?
Me: I've been good
Hope: yeah me too
Me: what about you?
Dad: good just busy

We got their bags and I drove them home. While Hope unpacked, I update my journals and did research for my paper. Lydia called for dinner at 6 since both my dad and Hope had changed time zones. We sat down and talked while we ate.

Dad: how is your paper coming?
Me: good after the adoption on the 12th I'll have a week and a half to write my paper
Hope: good I'm glad you have it planned

We finished eating and I went to shower. I got out and went to my room. Hope was my desk reading her emails. Hope updated me while I changed.

Hope: hey Jill said she would be releasing the camp roster on the 8th
Me: when's camp?
Hope: if you checked your email, you would know it the 20th through the 27th followed by the cup the 1st through the 7th
Me: rude but I am not going to be able to do camp
Hope: why?
Me: that the week of the all-star game and the championship game
Hope: when's the all-star game?
Me: the 22nd, if I'm in it they haven't announced the teams yet.
Hope: like you wouldn't be in it, good one
Me: anyways we'll know on the 10th I think
Hope: well have you told Jill?
Me: not yet
Hope: well you better do it soon
Me: I'll just do it now

I emailed Jill and then I made Hope play FIFA with me. We both went to sleep around 11. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora