Sunday January 22nd

582 20 0

Hope woke up at 6 and then woke me up at 7.

Hope: how are you feeling SB
Me: a little better
Hope: Good, what do you want to eat for breakfast?
Me: apples
Hope: alright I will be back soon

Hope went down to breakfast and fixed her plate. Dawn came in and found Hope.

Dawn: hey, how is she?
Hope: she said she feels a little better and she actually wanted to eat apples this morning
Dawn: good, will you take her temperature for me
Hope: yeah of course

Hope finished her breakfast and came up to the room.

Hope: hey before you eat let me take your temp
Me: ugh
Hope: its 99.4, its going down
Me: can I eat now?
Hope: yes, go ahead. I'll be back at lunch
Me: can you find out who has my phone and bring it to me please?
Hope: yes, I will
Me: thank you

Hope left and went to training. Hope got my phone from Ash and Ali at lunch. Hope ate and then made a plate of mac and cheese before coming up to the room.

Hope: hey temperature first and then food
Me: ugh... did you
Hope: it doesn't work if you're talking
Me: mmm
Hope: its 99.4 and here you go, and yes I got your phone
Me: yes, thank you

I ate and then snapchatted Megan, Kiley, and Brad.

Hope: I'm headed out, don't forget to check your emails
Me: yeah alright

Hope left and I checked my emails. I had to post ads for all my endorsements and then I had an email with all my school work. I did my German and then feel asleep. Hope woke me up and had a small plate of fettuccini.

Me: that's it?
Hope: do you want to throw it up?
Me: no
Hope: then that's it, I'm going to shower
Me: okay

I ate and then began coping my English. Hope came out of the shower and sat on her bed.

Hope: what are you working on?
Me: English
Hope: well let me take your temp
Me: alright
Hope: 98.8, that's good
Me: do you think I could go watch practice tomorrow?
Hope: well see first you need to be at 98.3
Me: okay
Hope: well I'm going to movie night
Me: okay

Hope left and I finished coping my Englishhomework and then started on calculus but I fell asleep. When Hope came in sheshut my computer and put it on the desk along with my binder. Hope got in bed and went to sleepherself.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now