Saturday February 25th

593 23 1

At 4:30 a nurse was waking me up.

Nurse: hey were going to move you down to the OR
Me: I don't want to
Brad: you'll be fine baby, I love you
Me: I love you too

I was wheeled down and then moved on to the OR table. I was given an IV and then a sedative. I felt them put a mask on my face and then I was out. Dr. Sloan did all three procedures and then I was put back in my room. I started waking up around 8:45.

Me: mmm
Brad: hey baby, you're done everything went well
Me: mm mama where's mama
Sarah: don't worry just go back to sleep
Me: noo my mama, Hope, my wher...

I fell asleep and Garvin, Brad, and his parents looked at each other.

Mike: has she called Hope that before?
Garvin: I've never heard her
Brad: I haven't either
Garvin: I'll text Hope about it

Brad's parents had rounds and Garvin went to get coffee while she texted Hope.

Garvin: Hey, Savannah woke up for a little bit and she called out for her mama and then your name was in the middle. Has she ever called you mama before?
Hope: no, she hasn't
Garvin: alright, we were trying to make sure, oh here's a picture of her, Brad got it before her surgery.
Hope: awe she looks pitiful but thank you. Also, don't tell her she called me that, it might freak her out.
Garvin: I won't

Garvin came back and watched whatever was on TV. I started waking up again at 12.

Me: mm
Garvin: hey Savannah
Me: everything hurts
Brad: I'll tell Dr. Sloan you're awake

Dr. Sloan came in to check my incisions.

Sloan: they look good
Me: so, what did you do?
Sloan: you have two plates and 10 screws in your elbow, nothing but internal stiches in your shoulder, and then 5 stitches outside your ankle.
Me: alright
Sloan: so, your ankle will be in a cast for two weeks and then we'll take the stitches out and then recast until later. For your shoulder and elbow we are getting a custom brace for you that will allow your elbow to be casted and your shoulder to be immobilized.
Me: how long for that cast?
Sloan: two weeks and then we'll revaluate
Me: how will I get around
Sloan: you have two choices, wheelchair or a scooter
Me: definitely not a wheelchair
Sloan: that's what I thought. Well let's get you casted so you can go home.

Garvin: well I have to go, call me if you need anything and don't forget to call Hope
Me: I won't and thank you for being here

Dr. Sloan took me to the casting room and I got both of them blue.

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I was fitted with my brace and got my scooter

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I was fitted with my brace and got my scooter. I was brought back to my room and Sarah signed me out. Brad drove me home and then Brad went home to get clothes, while he did I called Hope.

Hope: hey how are you doing Baby Horse
Me: okay, I'm all casted but I'm home
Hope: good, the girls send their best
Me: tell them I said thank you
Hope: you sound tired, I'll let you go
Me: alright bye Hope
Hope: bye SB

I hung up and Brad came back. Lydia made us lunch and then I took my medication and fell asleep. Brad woke me up for dinner and then I went back to sleep.

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now