Friday March 10th

521 18 0

Hope woke up at 6 and tried to wake me.

Hope: Baby Horse
Me: mm
Hope: Savannah
Me: mmmm
Hope: Savannah Blaire!
Me: whhaaatt
Hope: get up you're going to school
Me: no I'm not
Hope: yes you are
Me: no I'm not, now leave me alone
Hope: Savannah don't make me come up there
Me: and do what?
Dad: Savannah Blaire Reed. You will get up, be dressed and eating by 0645 hours
Me: I don't want to go
Dad: I don't care now move!
Me: yes sir
Hope: seriously
Me: just fucking help me down

Hope popped my leg before helping me down. Hope helped me change into a clean shirt and a pair of my national team shorts. Hope put my shoe on and tied it. I went out with Duke's help and ate. I got up and Hope did too.

Me: if I'm going, I'll drive myself
Hope: no, you aren't
Me: I can drive with one arm, it's how I normally drive.
Hope: yeah usually with your left
Me: so?
Hope: so, you're not using your good hand and I know you speed
Me: I won't
Hope: I don't care now go get in the car
Me: fine

I gave up and got in the 4 Runner. Hope drove me to the school and I waited until the tardy bell rang so the hallways were empty. Duke and I walked down the hall to Garvin's and knocked on the door.

Garvin: Savannah you're here
Me: yeah not by choice

I went in and her whole first hour stared at me. I went back to her desk and sat down. Garvin's class continued their test. The bell rang and my group came in.

Meg: Savannah!
Kiley: Solo!
Brad: babe?
Me: hey
Brad: why didn't you tell me you were coming
Me: I didn't have a choice
Claire: did Hope make you?
Me: she started but my dad ordered so there was no discussion
Garvin: well while you're here you can make up your other two tests
Me: that'll be kind of hard when I can't write
Garvin: that's why I have an idea

Garvin got my test and cleared off her desk. Garvin taped the corners down and then handed me a highlighter and a calculator.

Garvin: highlight the answer the best you can and don't worry about showing the work
Me: alright

I took the tests and then the bell rang. I stayed while Kiley went to get my German test. Mr. Smith made it multiple choice so I could highlight the answer. I got one of Garvin's students to turn it and then the bell rang. I waited until forth hour started to leave.

Garvin: I'll see you tomorrow
Me: alright, thank you
Garvin: of course, bye Solo
Me: bye Jayme

Duke and I walked out and found Hope.

Me: hey
Hope: how was school?
Me: sucked
Hope: well let's go home and get lunch

Hope drove me home and Lydia had lunch ready for us. I ate and then went straight to watching the Vampire Diaries. Hope decided to leave me alone and just went to read her book. I fell asleep and Hope woke me up for dinner. We sat down and ate.

Hope: have you checked your emails?
Me: not in a couple days but I will
Hope: have you talked to Anson?
Me: he emailed me and told me to call him when I was ready
Hope: okay

We finished dinner and I watched Netflix until I fell asleep. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now