Monday & Tuesday May 15th & 16th

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Brad and I woke up at 8 and ate breakfast.

Brad: alright let's get dressed and then after PT we can go shopping
Me: okay

We both got dressed and Brad drove me to PT. Parker hooked me up to the machines and then I did my exercises. Parker helped into my braces and was able to set it at 120.

Parker: good job today
Me: thank you, and I will see you Thursday morning
Parker: see ya

Brad and I went back to his truck to decided where to go. We decided to go to the boardwalk since there were more places. We got there around 11:30 and went to Victoria's Secret so I could get swimsuits. After VS, we went to American Eagle. Brad got two swim trunks and I got two jean shorts and a crop top.

Brad: alright where to?
Me: Nike
Brad: and then lunch?
Me: yup then lunch

Brad and I walked down and into Nike. Brad went over to the guys' section while I went to the ladies. I got a couple of sports bras, matching Nike pros, two tank tops, and a pair of shorts. I met Brad in the shoe section. Brad had a couple shorts and two shirts. We both picked out a pair of the Nike sock dart shoes in black. I picked out the Lunar change while Brad got the free trainers.

Brad: I'll bring everything up if you go grab me some socks, please
Me: yeah, I'll meet up there

I grabbed socks and then went up to the front. The clerk rang everything up and out total was 1,177. I swiped my Nike card and signed. Brad grabbed the bags and followed Duke and me out.

Brad: hey slow your roll
Me: sorry
Brad: here let me hang this and then I'll carry the rest.
Me: okay, where do you want to eat?
Brad: Saltgrass or Joe's
Me: Saltgrass
Brad: good that's what I wanted to

We walked to Saltgrass and got a table. I got soup and a sandwich and Brad got a salad and steak.

Brad: so, what are you going to do about cars?
Me: I don't know, I like both. What do you think?
Brad: I like them too, the 4runner is bigger but the Range Rover is nicer
Me: I know, I want both but I guess I want the Range Rover more.
Brad: it matches your Audi being Matte Black
Me: true

We finished eating and Brad paid the check.

Brad: alright do you want to go anywhere else?
Me: Forever21 and then we can go
Brad: alright.

We went to Forever21 and I got a couple crop tops and a metallic skirt. Brad drove us home and we made it back at 4:30. My phone rang and it was Hope facetiming me.

Me: hey Hope.
Hope: hey Baby Horse, hey Brad.
Brad: hey Hope.
Hope: thank you for the flowers yesterday
Me: your welcome mama
Hope: are you feeling okay?
Me: yeah, I'm fine
Hope: good, so what did you two do today?
Me: we went to the boardwalk to get stuff for the hangout fest
Hope: how much did you spend including your Nike stuff
Me: hold on let me add it up. Uh, it was about 1,750 but that was both of us and Nike was 1,177 alone.
Hope: fair enough, how was your PT?
Me: I'm at 120
Hope: not bad, did you do your scheduling today?
Me: dammit I forgot all about it
Hope: you still have time to do it now or you better email Anson
Me: I will, well I better go
Hope: alright by Baby Horse
Me: bye Hopester

I hung up with Hope and emailed Anson.

To Anson Dorrance,
Hey, I know I said I would do my scheduling today but I had things come up and couldn't get it done. Can I do it tomorrow or does my counselor have to set a day? Again Sorry, - Savannah Solo

Brad finished putting away our clothes and then we went to eat dinner.

Me: oh, Lydia I know this is short notice but would you be willing to join us at Hangout Fest this weekend in Gulf Shores? We can even get you tickets to the concerts
Lydia: I would love to join you but the tickets won't be necessary
Me: alright well if there is anything you want to do while we are down there let me know
Lydia: of course, when do we leave?
Brad: we will be flying out on Thursday at 11:30.
Lydia: okay I will be ready then
Me: great thank you

Brad and I finished eating and then I updated my program for Dawn before we watched a movie. Once the movie Gifted ended we showered and went to bed. 


Brad and I woke up at 7:30 and ate breakfast. I checked my emails and I had one from Anson.

To Savannah Solo,
It's alright but your counselor won't be back until June. Also, Jackie needs to meet with you so I have a proposition for you. Why don't you come out the 15th and stay through the 21st? That way you can schedule, meet with Jackie, and help out with the camp. You can even do rehab while you're here. Let me know what you decide. – Anson Dorrance

To Anson Dorrance,
Alright, I will plan on coming with the 15th  – 21st. Thank you for setting everything up – Savannah Solo

Brad and I got dressed and then Hope called me.

Me: hey Hope.
Hope: hey Baby Horse
Me: just get done with training?
Hope: yeah, I'm headed home now. I just wanted to see what you were up to.
Me: not much, I emailed Anson last night and he emailed me back offering me to come up for their camp and while I'm there I'll do my scheduling and meet with Jackie, their nutritionist again.
Hope: fun so what is your weight at?
Me: 103 still
Hope: and you still haven't gotten your period back?
Me: nope not since the end of January
Hope: alright well I have to go
Me: okay bye Hope.
Hope: bye SB

I hung up with Hope and then Brad and I went to lunch with his parents. We talked about summer plans but his parents got paged in for a trauma. Brad and I finished eating and then paid before heading home. Brad took Duke for a run and then showered.

Brad: so, Grey's or a movie?
Me: Grey's

Brad put on Grey's and we watched until dinner. After we ate we continued our marathon until we fell asleep. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now