Thursday March 30th & Saturday April 1st

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I woke up at 8 and Hope was packing. She took a break and ate breakfast with me. We went to the hospital for my appointment at 9:15. Dr. Sloan took my casts off and evaluated.

Sloan: your arm is looking good and so is your ankle but we are still going to keep you casted for a while.
Me: alright then I will see you in two weeks then
Sloan: yes, see you then

Hope drove me home and then Brad had to drive her to the airport.

Hope: be good and be careful
Me: I will
Hope: don't push too hard
Me: Hope, I'll be fine now go
Hope: I am, bye Baby Horse
Me: bye Hope

Once Brad got back we had lunch and then he had to go to baseball. While I had the time, I decided to call Anson.

Anson: Baby Horse, how are you?
Me: good, I just got a new ankle and elbow cast.
Anson: good how is your PT going?
Me: alright, I am working on getting my arm above me head
Anson: when do you start your ankle or elbow?
Me: I'm not sure
Anson: what is your projected recovery time?
Me: shoulder is 4-5, my elbow is 5-7 and my ankle is 6-10.
Anson: well that's not too bad. Other than injuries how have you been
Me: I've been okay I'm just bored and frustrating.
Anson: I'm sure it's not entertaining, well I have a practice to go run, thank you for calling
Me: of course, bye Anson.
Anson: bye Baby Horse

I hung up with Anson and then put on Grey's Anatomy. Lydia made me dinner and once I was finished eating Hope was calling me.

Me: hey Hope
Kelley: Baby Horse!
Alex: Twin!
Hope: would you two move out of the way
Me: hey guys
Alex: how are you doing?
Hope: Alex if you don't move your ass I'm going to kick it
Me: I'm good and Al she's serious and she kicks pretty hard
Hope: well Dawn said she shipped you more supplies and even gave you some mango stuff
Me: great tell her I said thank you
Kell: how's PT?
Me: sucks ass
Hope: language
Alex: you said ass like 2 minutes ago
Hope: what have you and Baby Horse switched places?

Kell: anyways where's Brad?
Me: baseball tournament
Alex: what have you been doing for school?
Me: typing my work and I take my tests with a highlighter
Hope: have you talked to Anson
Me: yeah, I called him earlier, I updated him about everything
Kell: good, so how have you and Brad been doing?
Me: fine, why?
Alex: have you two had se...
Hope: Alexandra Patricia Morgan!, well goodnight Baby Horse I need to get these two under control
Me: uh bye

Hope and I just took my medication and went to bed. 


I woke up at 6 and put on my Carolina shirt. I put on my white shorts but still couldn't button them. I put on my right converse and then went out to breakfast. Duke and I finished and then Brad picked us up. I went to Garvin's while Brad went to English.

Garvin: how was your break?
Me: boring but uh before anyone comes in can you come button my shorts?
Garvin: sure, why didn't you just ask Brad?
Me: by the time I remembered we were already at school and I didn't want people to get any ideas.
Garvin: true how is your PT?
Me: good so far
Garvin: so, when are you expected to be able to at least start jogging?
Me: won't be until late August more than likely
Garvin: why does season start?
Me: well preseason starts on the 12th and then usually the first game is early September
Garvin: that's not too bad
Me: yeah

Garvin's class came in and I sat at her desk and did English Vocab. Second hour came and Garvin taught the lesson. Brad came back and sat next to me.

Me: hey on the way to PT can we stop by the hospital
Brad: sure why?
Me: I just need to ask Dr. Sloan a question
Brad: alright

The bell rang and my group went to third hour. I typed my translation and then had 20 minutes left. I snapchatted Kelley and Alex who were bugging the shit out of Hope. Hope kicked them out so I started getting snapchats of Allie and them scaring people. The bell rang and Brad and I went to his truck. We stopped at the hospital and I went to Dr. Sloan's office.

Sloan: Savannah, I wasn't expecting you
Me: I know but I had a question that I really didn't need Hope to hear
Sloan: alright
Me: uh well can Brad and I have sex?
Sloan: yes you can, just be careful of your shoulder and don't do anything crazy
Me: alright thank you
Sloan: of course, I'll see you next Thursday
Me: see you then

Brad then drove me to my PT appointment. Parker hooked me up to the machine before doing my exercises. Once I finished my last round of shoulder rotations Parker helped me back into my brace. Brad and I went home and had lunch. We ate and then watched Grey's Anatomy. After dinner Brad put on North Carolina's Championship basketball game.

I posted a couple pictures on Twitter and Instagram since I hadn't in a while. The Tar Heels won 71-75 and I wanted to celebrate.

Me: celebration time?
Brad: what about
Me: not a problem
Brad: yes! Celebration time

Brad picked me up and carried me to our room. We eventually fell asleep at 1:30. 

How I became Savannah Solo Part 8Where stories live. Discover now