It's all lies, darling

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Tommy's: POV

Minnie listened to Bring me to life in her headphones and Jake looked at something on his phone. "I can't believe we'll see a real mental hospital." said Sauli excited. "I wish Adam was with me." I replied and sighed. He had felt bad in the morning and couldn't come.

After a few minutes stopped the bus in front of a huge building. We went out and the cool air gave me chills.

"Welcome here!" said a man with cold gray eyes. "My name is Harry and I'll be your guide today." he said. "My name is Sam Swan and I'm their teacher." he replied. "Very nice to meet you." said Harry and shook his hand. "A student named Adam would be here today, but unfortunately he became ill during the morning." replied Sam. "That's bad!" said Harry, but I saw no kindness in his eyes.

We followed him in and he talked about the hospital's history. "I don't like this." said Minnie low. "I'll protect you." replied Jake and she smiled. I noticed that Sam also seemed a bit nervous. "Is everything okay?" I asked. "Yes, I'm just tired!" he said and I swallowed his lie.

"During the 1800s was a doctor brutally murdered after trying to help a patient to escape." said Harry. "He just wanted to help." replied Minnie. "His patient was mad and would be trapped here forever." said Harry. "The doctor died like a hero, he did what was right even if it cost his life." she replied. "Follow me!" said Harry and he showed us more rooms.

"It's something I have to show you." whispered Jake and took my hand. "But the others?" I asked. "They won't notice anything." he said and walked out. After a few minutes of walk we arrived to a overgrown cemetery.

"What are you going to show me?" I asked annoyed. "This!" said Jake and showed me a family burial. I read the text and gasped.

Here lies Thomas Joesph Lambert Born the 18th of October year 1774 Died the 17th of November year 1800

His husband Adam Lambert. Born the 29th of January year 1775. Died the 8th of October year 1804.

Their children Eva and Ellen. Born the 31th of October year 1800. Died the 7th of October year 1804. May the angels watch over them.

"It's all lies, darling." said Jake. "I can't believe it." I replied. "You have swallowed all his lies." said Jake. I looked at the tombstone and didn't know what to say.


I lay down on the bed to rest when we came back. I must've fallen asleep because I didn't heard when the door opened. But I was awake enough to hear that my clothes were ripped off. I lifted up my head and saw Adam.

"A word about this and I kill you!" he said threatening. "Please, don't!" I begged. "It's soon over!" he said and started to kiss me. I screamed at the top of my lungs, but no one would hear me. "Please stop, you're hurting me." I replied and tears streamed down my face. "It hurts less if you relax!" said Adam and ran his hand over my body. "You're a monster!" I replied coldly. He sang a lullaby and I lost consciousness. "I love you so much Tommy!" said Adam and kisssd me again.

Adam's: POV

I opened the door to the room and found Tommy sitting against the wall. He hid his face in his arms and he cried quietly. "Tommy, are you okay?" I asked worried. "Don't hurt me!" he sobbed and his body shook of fear. "I will never hurt you, it was only a nightmare." I said. He lifted up his head and his cheeks was wet of tears.

"What was your nightmare about?" I asked. "I had fallen asleep and you r-raped me." said Tommy and his voice cracked. "It was only a horrible nightmare, I would never do that you." I replied. "I was raped by Jake's friends when I fourteen." he said. "That idiot!" I said coldly. "I want home!" replied Tommy. "Me too!" I said.

"I know you would never hurt me." he said. I held him close to me and stroked his cheek. "That's the last thing I want to do." I replied.

Tommy yawned and fell asleep in my arms. "Are you a ghost?" he asked in his sleep. "Yes!" I said. "Okay!" he replied and I smiled.

I don't trust Harry, it's something with him that's not right. I'm glad Tommy took Adam's secret well. I hope you liked this chapter.


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