You are what?

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Adam's: POV

Joey went to the living room and sat down on the couch. "This will sound strange, but I ask you to trust me." I said. "I trust you!" he replied. "What your nieces saw that night was my dead children." I said. "Your dead children?" asked Joey shocked. "Eva and Ellen died year 1804 after they had jumped out from a window.

I was sent to a mental hospital and I killed myself by drinking potion. I woke up the next day as a ghost." I said. "You are what?" asked Joey. "A ghost!" I said. "It explain a lot!" replied Joey. "Do you believe him?" asked Tommy. "Yes, I do!" he said. "Thank you Joey!" I replied and he nodded.

"Can you walk through walls?" asked Joey curiously. "Yes!" I said. "That's so cool!" he said. "I guess it is!" I replied and chuckled. "My handsome ghost husband." said Tommy and kisssd me. "Aww!" I replied and kissed him back.

"Can I meet Eva and Ellen?" asked Joey. "They have gone over to the other side, but I know they would love you." I said. "I'm sure they would!" he replied. "Thank you for telling me!" he said. "You're welcome!" I replied.


Anthony's: POV

I passed their house and saw through the window how they played with their daughters. Adam said something funny and both Winter and Aurora laughed. Tommy kisssd his lips and he smiled softly.

"Enjoy the time you have together, soon you won't be an happy family." I said with a smirk.

Thank you adommybearforever for letting me have your character in my story. I'm glad Joey took Adam's secret well. Oh no, Anthony is free and something horrible will happen to Adam's family. I hope you liked this chapter.


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