Here's your son

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Minnie's: POV

"What are we doing here?" asked Jake. "I have to find Theo's body and leave him to Anthony, maybe it'll save Adam's family, long story." I said. I took a deep breath and jumper into the water.

To my relief I found the body and I swam up to the surface again. Jake wrapped him in a blanket and a familiar person came up to us.

"Here's your son!" I said and lay him down in his arms. "Thank you!" he said before he disappeared. "Are they safe now?" asked Jake. "I hope so!" I replied.


I opened my eyes and saw I was in Winter and Aurora's room. Then I realized that everything had been a dream. I hadn't found his body and Adam's family would still die.

I began to scream and cry that it was just a stupid dream. Adam came up to the room and I cried in his arms.

"What's wrong?" he asked worried. "I dreamed about that I found Anthony's son and he thanked us." I said. "Why are you crying then?" he asked. "Because it was just a dream, I didn't found him and you will still die." I sobbed. "I'm so sorry honey!" he said. "I can't handle this pain." I replied.

"We'll always be in your heart, we will always be near you." he said. "Promise?" I asked. "Promise!" said Adam and kissed my forehead.

Everything was just a dream, she didn't found him. I hope you liked this chapter.


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