His smile is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life

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Adam's: POV

Tommy lay on his back in the bed and slept deeply. His stomach and wrists were covered with scars and some were new.

He woke up and hide it with the blanket. "Don't hide your beautiful body." I said. "I'm ugly!" he replied. "You are so beautiful!" I replied.

"My scars are so ugly and disgusting." said Tommy and he was close to tears. "You should be proud of them, they show you are a strong person who keeps your feet on the ground." I replied. "You're right!" he said with a smile.

We got dressed and walked down to the dinner room. Minnie had to drink to not start laughing. Just then I realized what me and Tommy had done during the night and he blushed.

"You two are worse than the alarm clock." complained Jake. "Were we so loud?" I asked and Tommy laughed quietly.

"What happens?" asked Sauli and sat down on the chair. "Well, Adam and Tommy decided to have sex at twelve o'clock at night and they obviously wanted everyone to know it." said Jake. "Badass!" replied Sauli and we laughed.

"It's a great day and those who want are allowed to drove to town and shop." said Sam. "Yay!" replied Jake happily. "I stay here with Tommy, if it's okay?" I asked and Sam nodded. "Don't break the bed." said Jake. "Shut up!" replied Tommy. "Don't care about him!" I said and he nodded.


After everyone had left I showed him the ballroom. "It's amazing!" said Tommy. "We had a huge ball here for my daughter's 3th birthday." I replied. "I'm sure they want you to be happy and they will always be in your heart." said Tommy. "You're right!" I replied and he smiled. His smile is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life.

"May I?" I asked. "Of course!" said Tommy. I took his hand and we danced around in the room. "I can almost hear the music." he said. "You'd love the 1800s." I replied. "Excuse me!" said Tommy and ran to the bathroom. I ran after him and I heard him throw up. "I hate to vomit." he said. I stroked his back and wiped away the sweat.

"Maybe it was a stupid idea to show the ballroom." I said. Tommy filled his mouth with fresh water and smiled. "It wasn't because of the dance I throw up." replied Tommy and put my hand on his stomach. I felt a kick and my eyes were filled with tears. "I throw up because I'm pregnant." he said.

Yay, Tommy is pregnant and I'm so happy for him and Adam❤️ I hope you liked this chapter.


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