He needs our help

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Tommy's: POV

"Adam, where are you?" I called. "I think I heard something." said Minnie. I listened and heard sobs. Then we found Adam sitting against a tree. He looked up when we came and his makeup was running down his cheeks. I sat down next to him and platted his arm.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried. "He worked for her." said Adam with cracked voice. "Who?" I asked. "Anthony, he worked for her, it was he who spiced Lucy's tea with sleepers. While she was asleep, the woman killed my children." said Adam. "I'm so sorry to hear." I replied.

Suddenly a heartbreaking scream cut through the air and the birds flew scared away. "Something is wrong!" said Minnie and ran away. "Wait!" I replied and we ran after her. We stopped at a river and a man tried in vain to reach his son.

"He needs our help!" said Minnie. "The water is too cold!" I replied. "Sometimes you have to do what you are afraid of." said Minnie and jumped into the water. She was almost at the boy when they both fell down under the water. "Nooo!" screamed his dad. I wanted to scream too, but no sound left my mouth.

It took several minutes before they came up to the surface again. Minnie swam to the edge of the beach and lay exhausted down. The boy's dad put a blanket around her and gave her a bottle with water.

"Thank you!" said Minnie breathless. "You were so brave and thank you for saving my son." he replied. "You're welcome." she said. His son hugged her and she smiled softly.

"I agree, you were so brave!" said Adam. "She's gone!" replied Minnie. "What?" asked Adam. "I saw her and she felt the pain through me." said Minnie. "Do you mean she really is gone?" he asked. "Yes!" said Minnie and tears of joy ran down his cheeks.


"Now they finally got peace!" I said and put down a rose. "Yes!" replied Adam. "I'll let you go!" I said. "I can't leave you." replied Adam. "You are the most wonderful man I have met and I'm grateful that I got to know you." I said and stroked his cheek. Adam looked at his grave and sighed.

"I'm not ready to leave the earthlife yet, I've two girls to take care of." said Adam and put his hand om my bump. I hugged him and kisssd his lips. "I'm not ready to leave you either and I don't want to leave you." he said. "I love you!" I replied. "I love you too!" said Adam.

Minnie was so brave when she saved the boy and the woman is gone. Adam could leave the world life and reunite with his family, but he chose to stay with Tommy and be there for him when their children are born. I hope you liked this chapter.


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