This has gone too far

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Lucy's: POV

I sat on the couch and read a book. Winter and Aurora played in their playhouse. I noticed two girls and one held a petrol can in one hand and they were on the way to the playhouse. I rushed out and blocked their way.

"This has gone too far!" I said strictly. "They have stolen our daddy!" replied Eva coldly. "They haven't stolen anything, Adam love you as much as he loves them." I said.

Ellen dropped the can as she had burned and tears filled her eyes. "She forced us, she told us that daddy didn't care about us." sobbed Ellen. "Of course he do, don't listen to her." I said. Eva and Ellen hugged me and I stroked their hair. "We miss you so much!" replied Eva. "I miss you two too!" I said. "Tell daddy we're sorry!" she replied. "I promise!" I said with a smile.


"Winter, Aurora!" called Adam. "Daddy, papa!" they said happily and hugged them. "Have you had fun today?" asked Tommy. "Yes!" said Aurora. "That's good!" he replied and they smiled.

"Can I have a word with you?" I asked and Adam nodded. We went inside and walked to the living room. "Eva and Ellen are sorry that they've try to kill your daughters, she forced them to do horrible things." I said. "Are they free?" asked Adam. "Yes, they have got peace now." I said and platted his arm. "Thank you for telling me!" replied Adam and wiped away a tear.

"They will always be in your heart." I said. "I know!" he replied. We love you daddy. "I love you too!" he said and smiled. Aurora and Winter came in and he smiled again.

"Who wants freshly baked cinnamon buns?" I asked. "Me!" said both Winter and Aurora. I laughed softly and we went to the kitchen and had fun the rest of the day.

Eva and Ellen has finally got peace and they're free from the woman. I hope you liked this chapter.


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