Don't ever hurt our kids

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A/N I'll do a time skip again and Winter and Aurora are now four years old

Adam's: POV

"Good morning daddy!" said both Aurora and Winter. "Morning girls!" I replied with a smile and gave them breakfast. "Morning babe!" said Tommy and kissed me. "Hello sunshine!" I said and kissed him back. "Aww!" replied Aurora and giggled. I laughed softly and smiled.

(Aurora and Winter now)

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(Aurora and Winter now)

After that we had left them at kindergarten, we drove to school. I hated school more than anything. We walked in and met Sauli in the corridor. We talked until the lesson started and I got detention by Anthony.

"Three hours?" asked Tommy shocked. "Three hours of pure hell!" I said coldly. "He has never given you detention before." replied Sauli. "He's jealous of me and Tommy." I said. "Sam is in love with you?" asked Sauli and I nodded. "I'm so glad you've Tommy and not him." he said. "Thanks!" I replied. "You're welcome!" said Sauli.


Winter's: POV

"Daddy should be here now!" said Aurora. "He promised to pick us up!" I replied. "His school is not far away from here." said Aurora. "Come!" I replied and took my sister's hand.

We arrived to the school and walked in. "Where can he be?" asked Aurora. "We can ask him." I said and we went up to a man. "Have you seen our daddy?" I asked. "How does he look like?" asked Anthony. "He has raven hair and blue eyes." said Aurora. "I haven't seen him!" lied Anthony. "He's also married to Tommy and they're so cute." I replied.

"You two can wait in my office and I'll see if I can find him." said Anthony. We followed him to his office and he looked the door outside. "Let us out!" I said. "He'll never see you two again!" replied Anthony and a invisible smoke came into the room. "Adam is mine, only mine." he said and walked away.

Adam's: POV

"Dad, please help us, we can't breathe." said Winter's voice in my head. "Winter!" I replied. "We're trapped inside the history teacher's office and he is so mean." said Winter. I rushed out from the classroom and the students looked after me.

I couldn't open the door and they had almost lost consciousness. I broke the window and I helped them out.

Just then came Tommy and he dropped his books. He ran up to me and tears ran down his cheeks. "They'll be fine." I said calmly and stroked their foreheads. Aurora and Winter opened their eyes and hugged us. "Everything is okay." I said.

"How could they get out?" asked Anthony coldly. "Don't ever hurt our kids." said Tommy and gave him a slap. "What's going on here?" asked a policeman. "Our teacher Sam Swan tried to kill my daughters and he has tried to start a relationship with me." I said. "I understand!" replied the policeman.

He put handcuff on Anthony and he gave me a death glance. "This is not over, you will regret this." he said. "I doubt that." I replied. "Come here!" said the police and took him away. Me and Tommy hugged our daughters and more tears came.

I'm so glad that Anthony is arrested. I hope you liked this chapter.


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