There's no escape

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Adam's: POV

"He can't be dead!" I said and tears streamed down my cheeks. "We are so sorry Mr. Lambert." replied the doctor. "Thomas!" I said and my voice cracked.

I sat crying up in bed and my body shook. Tommy put his arm around and held me close to him. He whispered comforting words and kissed the top of my head. I lifted up my head and looked into his beautiful dark brown eyes. He kissed my lips gently and I smiled a bit.

"What's wrong?" he asked worried. "It's the 17th of November today, my husband Thomas died this day." I said. "I'm so sorry darling!" replied Tommy. "I know I should move on, but sometimes he's haunting my nightmares." I said. "I'm here, I won't let anybody hurt you." replied Tommy. "Thanks!" I said. "You're welcome!" he replied and I fell asleep in his arms.


I was out on a walk with Winter and she looked at everything she saw. The forest was emptied of people because of the bad weather. The fresh chilly autumn air clamed me down and made me think of other things.

We passed a cemetery and I tried not to look at the gravestones. I turned my eyes to my daughter and her blue eyes shone of fear. "Everything is fine!" I said calmly, but it sounded like a lie.

But Winter seemed to look at something that was on the stairs to the church. I could see the structure of two children and fear filled my body. I hadn't forget my nightmare when they tried to kill Tommy.

They came closer and I picked up Winter to protect her. Never that they would have the chance to kill her. I took a step back but they came closer and closer until they were in front of me.

"Hello daddy!" said Eva with a smile. "Who's the baby?" askes Ellen and I heard the envy in her voice. "She's mine!" I replied. "We are your children!" said Eva. "I have move on!" I replied. Why couldn't I be happy to see my children? "I thought you loved us!" screamed Ellen and eyes got dark. "Of course I do, I love you two so much." I said quickly and she clamed down.

"He's lying!" replied a familiar voice. I turned around and saw Anthony. "Stay away from my kids." I said coldly. "Your baby should be mine, if you had fallen in love with me instead of Tommy." replied Anthony. "I love Tommy over all my heart and he's my only love." I said.

"Kill her!" ordered Anthony. My baby was ripped out of my arms and I screamed. Anthony pushed me down to the ground and kicked me hard. "You will never see your pathetic little baby again." he said coldly. The last thing I saw was a knife before everything went black.

Oh no, my poor baby💔 I'm going to Finland tomorrow with my dad and I don't know if I can upload chapters, otherwise I will do it when I'm back in Sweden again. I hope you liked this chapter.


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