Chapter 2

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"Mom! I'm back!", I screamed as I opened the front door and laid down on the couch in the living room.

"Oh! How was your time at Robin's, Wendy?", she asked as she peeked at me through the kitchen.

"Nice, Mom.", I replied.

"Do you want breakfast now or did you already have it at Robin's?", she asked me to which I replied that I did have my breakfast already.

I went to my room upstairs and opened my bag to unpack all the goods. I took out the new birthday card that we had made and recalled the conversation we had the day before.

Will we ever be able to meet them? Will we ever be able to travel to Korea on our own? I doubted it. I sat there thinking as tears rolled down my cheeks. Were we doing all of this for nothing?

"Hey Wendy! How was your time at your friend's house?And was Lucy there, too?", my 16 year old brother, Gray asked.

From the time Lucy and Robin came to my house for a sleepover, Gray has been asking me about Lucy. Lucy too, had been asking me about Gray.

I started having my doubts and now, Robin and I are hardcore fans of their ship, Grucy.... I always teased them both.

However, Gray was the only one who supported my love for oppas and was always there for me during all my hard times.

I wiped my tears quickly, before he could see and grinned as I said, "Oh yeah! It was great! And Lucy was there too. Lucy asked me about you too and asked if you would be coming to school tomorrow."

"If you see her tomorrow , could you ask her to come to the basketball court during lunch?", he asked me.

I grinned widely and said, "For sure! Oh my god! Grucy is sailing deep into the ocean, isn't it?"

"Shut up!", Gray screamed as he blushed and ran away from the room.

"Awwww!", I screamed after him, but decided to stay in my room and keep the card inside the closet. I decided to call Lucy and tell her that Gray actually liked her. I took my phone and called her-

Lucy: Hello! Hey Wendy! How are you?

Me: I'm fine! Yeah, I wanted to tell you that my brother, Gray, actually likes you, but refuses to admit it.

There was silence for a second, then,

Lucy: Uhhhh... okay

Me: Also he told me to ask you to go to the basketball court during lunch tomorrow.

Lucy: Oh, okay! Fine! Tell, Gray, that I'll come.

Me: Oppa! Woah, woah! I'll ask you a question to which you have to answer me truthfully or I'll break all bonds with you.

Lucy: No, no, no! Fine. I'll answer you truthfully. Ask me!

Me: Fine. Do you like Gray?

Again, there was silence over the phone

Lucy: Noooo! Not exactly...... but kind of.....

Me: What about Taehyung oppa?

Kim Taehyung was Lucy's bias of BTS

Lucy: Of coarse, yes! I do like him! But I don't think we'd be able to be their future wives.... They're way out of our leagues, Wendy. I... uhhhhh..... better settle down and stay with..... uhhhhh...... Gray.

Me: What! Don't give up! We will meet them in future! But... I'm kinda happy for you... You and Gray... would be a beautiful combination. Ohhh! So you do like him, huh?

Lucy: Shut up! Fine, bye!

I laughed and laid down on my bed. Oh my god! Grucy is actually sailing! I woke up and walked to Gray's room. I had to tell him that Lucy agreed to go to the basketball court tomorrow.

I opened the door, to find him chatting with someone on his phone. When he saw me, he grinned and greeted me, "Hey!"

"Hey! I told Lucy that you wanted her to go to the basketball court tomorrow and she agreed to come", I told him.

"Anything else? Did she say anything else?", he asked.

"No. By the way.....", I said. I shouldn't tell him that Lucy likes him. I should keep that confession for them say.

"Yeah?", he asked.

"Nothing.", I replied and went back to my room.

One day, even I hoped to have the love of my life, Jungkook, to confess to me.



The bell rang. Lucy yawned and stretched her hands,"Finally... its over. Biology is sooooo boring."

"Shut up! It's my favorite subject", I replied back."Oh yeah! Your supposed to meet Gray at the basketball court today, right? Bye... and good luck!"

"Oh yeah! Thanks and bye!!", she waved her hands and ran away.

As I walked down to the lunch hall, I heard a deep but sweet voice screaming, "Wendy unnie!!!!" I looked back and saw Robin running towards me, her blue eyes shining brightly.

"Hey! I was looking for you, Robin.", I said as I ruffled her blonde hair.

"Where's Lucy unnie?", she asked and looked around me.

"Ah! She went to meet Gray at the basketball court", I replied.

"Huh? Gray? Our ship's sa...!!!", Robin screamed. I quickly covered her mouth as it was a public place and I didn't want to embarrass the couple.

"Mmfhhfmmmgffffhhh!!!", she screamed; I took my hands off and dragged her to the restroom.

"Hey! You know what! BTS is coming to the Prudential Centre, the one next to your street... and mine too! And that too, on the day of Lucy's birthday.", she screamed.

I couldn't believe my ears. Right next to our houses!! Nooo! This must be a dream! I pinched myself! No, it's true! Reality!!!

"Really!!!", I asked.

"Yeahhh! After all we might be able to see them, right?", she beamed, "Unnieeee! Im sooo happy!!!"

"But.... will.... my parents allow me?", I asked.

"Yeah, unnie. Prudential centre is nearby. Just walking distance. And if you think that they won't allow, since it's BTS's concert, then, don't tell them that your going for the concert. Tell them that you're just going for Lucy's birthday celebration!", Robin whispered.

"Lies! No! I'd better tell them the truth and get denied.", I said.

"Fine, fine. Unnie's too innocent, so, tell them the truth. Give it a try.", Robin encouraged me.

I thought, yeah, I should give it a try. They might allow me after all......

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