Chapter 6

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"Annyeong. Wendy Park imnida.", I introduced myself in Korean.

"Wendy, please sit next to Son Sung-ssi.", a man, who I identified as Bang Shi Hyuk, the producer of BigHit, said.
I sat next to the person who stood up when his name was called by Bang Shi Hyuk nim.

"Okay! So we're here today to discuss about Wendy Park. Wendy, initially we thought of leaving you at one of our orphanages. But then, Miso Shin ssi, who is our Vocals teacher, told that she would like to adopt you since she is childless. Are you fine with that decision, Wendy?", he asked.

"Yeah!", I answered as I looked at Miso Shin. She looked really kind and sweet. I smiled at her.

"But before that, we would like you to sing a song. Any Kpop song that you know.", he asked.

Oh my God! These great people were asking ME to sing in front of them? I have to do my best!!

I stood up and sang Playing With Fire by BLACKPINK. After all, they were my favorite band after BTS. I had memorized every BTS and BLACKPINK song I knew. That was everything I could do.

After singing, I looked up at the others and they looked shocked and were looking at each other. "Uhh... Can you sing a song of BTS? Any that you know?", Bang nim asked.

"Bang nim, I haven't learned music and I've just heard these Kpop songs and learned. I'm not at all good at it.", I said and sang I Need You.

After that, they asked Shin ahjusshi to take me outside. I talked to him for a bit. He was a really cheerful and fun man to be with. After some time, they called me in.

Bang nim started, "Wendy, we initially had come up with the decision of making you sing and then, deciding what to do with you. We decided that if you sing really well, we'd put you for training and make you a part of a girl band that we're gonna make. If you don't sing well, then Miso Shin will adopt you. However, you sing exceptionally well, that we have decided to make you the 8th member of BTS!!!"

My eyes widened. What!!! I'm gonna be a part of BTS. I pinched myself but no.... this was reality. I, then asked, "Bang nim, you must have made a mistake. I'm not a good singer. If I join BTS, it might be bad for the band and also cause outrage throughout the world. And also, BTS is a boy band, right?"

Bang nim replied, "Wendy, we haven't made a mistake. You haven't gone for any training and you sing this well. So you have the talent and great capabilities. Thus, it wouldn't be a disadvantage for us or BTS and you're a great singer. And don't worry about ARMYs. We are one big family. And they would be able to understand our decision. So, it wouldn't cause an outrage. We can also change BTS from a boy band to a co-band."

I was surprised. I was a complete stranger to them and they thought so highly of me. I replied, "You all think so highly of me. Fine, if this is your decision, I should abide by it since you're my guardians from here on. So, I will try best to come up to your expectations."

"Well, that's settled. Okay, Wendy, the members aren't here right now. We discussed about you with them, before. But, they don't know that we are making you the 8th member of BTS. So we want to portray you as a completely different person, in front of them. So we are gonna start your training today itself, okay? The members are returning back on Wednesday. Firstly I'll introduce you to the people here. This is Miso Shin. She is our Vocals teacher. She's gonna teach you music and help you improve in it. This is Son Sung Deuk. He is our choreographer. He will help you in dance. We don't know how good you are in dance, but that doesn't matter. He will be able to make you an amazing dancer. This is Jeon Sung. He is the Rap teacher. He will guide you in rapping. I know that you are better in Vocals than rapping. But in here, even vocal members undergo training in rapping and vice versa. We want them to be professionals in all fields of music. This is Park Eunji. She is our gym teacher and dietician. She will help you in maintaining your diet and shape. Since you don't know much Korean, we need a Korean teacher and we also need a personal stylist for you. Since there are many candidates waiting to be employed, we would get them by tomorrow. And about your dormitory, we have 4 rooms in the house. 3 are occupied and the other is a spare room. So, would you be okay with sharing the room with one of the members? Or should I get a lady to sleep with you?"

"Uhh... I don't want trouble you with that. So, if oppas don't mind it, I'd better share the room with the members.", I replied.

"Okay. After the members come here, we will see to who would be your roommate. Till then we will ask one of the lady staff to sleep with you for two days. If we get your stylist by today, you can sleep with her for two days.", he said, "Anyways, your first class would be with Miso ssi. After going to your dorms and getting fresh, cone back here and you can start your training, fine?"

"Yes, sir!!!!", I said and went to Shin ahjussi, so that he can drop me at the dorms.

As soon as I reached the dorms, I ran into the house with the keg that Shin ahjussi. The villa was huuuuge! I just stood there awestruck. "I knew it! Your lost, right? I'll show you your room", he said and led me to my room.

My room was cool. It was painted in my favorite colours, red and black.

"Settle down here! After 2 hours, I'll come and pick you up!", he said and left.

I kept the suitcase on the bed and unpacked everything to arrange everything in the room.

After around 1 hour, I had arranged everything, taken a shower and gotten ready. I had 1 whole hour more. What am I supposed to do? I decided to explore the area.

I walked up to the next room. It was coloured red and black. I guess the whole house was colored in these colours. But there were some pictures on the wall. All of them had Jhope oppa, Jimin oppa and Jungkook oppa in common. Yes, it is their room.

Then I went to the next room. Immediately I recognized that it was V oppa's and Namjoon oppa's room. Because there was a huge Xbox with overwatch character stickers. I decided not to stay there for long.

I went to the next room. Obviously Suga oppa's and Jin oppa's room. It was cleaner than the others. Well, in a way, they were the most mature ones of the band.

I looked at the watch. Two more minutes. I went outside and Shin ahjussi was already there.


Within 5 minutes, I reached the Entertainment. Shin ahjussi guided me to Miso nim' room.

"Annyeong! Welcome Wendy!", I saw her warm smiling face.

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