Chapter 3

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"Mom! I'm back!", I screamed as I opened the door.

"Oh! You look really happy. What good news do you have?!!", Mom said, entering the living room.

"Nothing in special, Mom. I wanted to ask you something.", I said, putting on my best smile.

"What is it, honey?", Mom asked, while sitting down on one of the couches.

I sat down on another couch and told her, "Mom! Next week, on Friday, Lucy is celebrating her birthday at Prudential Centre."

"Oh! That's good! But what's special in there? Anything special going on there?", Mom asked.

"Well, yeah. You know the KPOP band, I like, right? They are performing there."

"Again those boys!", Mom said, her voice raising.

"Mom! It's just at Prudential Centre, right? I've never asked you for anything else, have I? Just this! Please, Mom. Also, its Lucy's birthday celebration. Also, I got good marks in all my papers at school and now, it's the vacations. Please, Mom!!! ", I pleaded.

Mom sighed and said, "Fine... but I don't think your dad would allow you. Ask him. If he agrees, you can go."

I hugged her tightly and thanked her. I, then ran to my room, jumping in joy. I'm going to meet them at last!!!!!

Little did I know, that the events that would happen that evening would completely change my life.


"Dad! I wanna talk to you.", I asked him as I walked to him in the dining room.

"Wendy! Yeah, what is it?", he asked with a smile on his face.

I sat next to him and told him about the concert and how Lucy was going to celebrate her birthday by taking us to the concert.

I saw his face expression change from pleasant to serious. At the end, I asked him, "Uhhh.... so Dad, what's your opinion? Can I go for the concert?"

By then, Mom and Gray had gathered at the living room.

"Wendy, how many times have I told you, not to mention their names IN THIS HOUSE!!!", Dad said as his voice raised in anger.

"Dad, I'm just asking this one thing from you. I've never asked you anything else. Please, Dad, please!", I pleaded as tears rolled down my eyes.


"I DON'T CARE WHETHER YOU'RE MY DAD OR NOT! IF YOU INSULT THEM AGAIN, I WOULD NOT EVEN CONSIDER YOU MY DAD!!!!", I screamed back, my face growing redder and redder in anger.

"OH WELL!!!! THEN YOU BETTER GET OUT OF MY HOUSE... I WOULDN'T WANT STRANGERS IN MY HOUSE, WOULD I?!!!", he screamed, leaving us all shocked.

"FINE!!! I'M LEAVING NOW AND I WON'T RETURN!!!", I screamed and ran into my room to get all my belongings.

I closed the door and started taking all my clothes, passport, visa, and each and everything that belonged to me.

At last I looked around and realized that I hadn't taken the BTS birthday cards we had made.

I took them out of my closet and kept them in a suitcase. I stuffed everything into the suitcases and dressed into black jeans, a black tank top and a grey jacket. I, then, took the suitcase and stormed out of my room, heading to the main door.

"Wendy! Don't go! Dad gets angry quite fast. That's why he said that. Please don't go. Wendy!", Gray begged. Wendy! Harry, call her back! Please!", Mom cried and begged Dad to call me back.

"I'm not returning back!", I announced and finally left the house, while I cried. My dad had just abandoned me. Where would I go?

Finally I decided to go to Robin's house. I knocked on the door and saw a tiny head peeking through the peephole.

"Wendy unnie!",she screamed and opened the door. I hugged her immediately and cried.

"Huh! What happened, unnie?", she asked innocently but concerned.

"My parents abandoned me, well, I abandoned them too! I'm not going back!", I cried.

"Wendy! What happened? Why are you crying?", Robin's parents, Angel Aunty and Lyon Uncle ran to me  and asked.

Robin replied, "She left her house and she's not going back."

I explained he whole incident to them. At the end, Lyon Uncle said at he's going to talk to my parents to take me back.

"Whether they agree to take me or not, I'm not going back. I can't!", I said.

"Robin! Take Wendy to your room. Let her sleep with you. Go.", Angel Aunty said.

Robin took my suitcase and started climbing the stairs. I took the suitcase from her as I knew that it was to heavy for her.

She escorted me to her room and sat down on her bed. I sat next to her and looked down. Suddenly, I heard Robin sobbing and looked at her.

"Didn't we know that we're never going to meet them. But still we acted as though we're gonna meet them and made cards for their birthdays. But all along we knew that we'll never meet them. Then, why did you abandon your house, unnie?", she cried.

I smiled and patted her back. Then I replied, "Robin, we, ARMYs have a bond with oppas. In a bond, it's not necessary that you must see everyone that is included in the bond. We know our oppas and we give them lots of love and support. And they do receive it, even if they don't know us personally. That's what we want, right? We want them to receive the love we give. And they do receive it and work harder to satisfy us. That's what a bond means, Robin."

Robin nodded her head and hugged me. "So, what are you going to do, unnie? Where will you go?", she asked.

I replied, "I'm thinking of writing a letter to oppas and posting it with some money in my piggy bank. If I get a reply, that's good. Otherwise, I'll have to go to an orphana...". "NOO!", Robin shouted. "If you don't get a reply from oppas, I'll ask Mommy and Daddy to adopt you. I'll keep you as my own unnie.", she said as she sobbed on my shoulders. I comforted her until she felt better.

"But unnie, will they reply? Won't they think that the letter is a fake?", she asked after some time.

"I knew that you'd ask that, Robin. Oppas would know whether the letter is fake or not. They will feel it. I'm sure that we'll get a reply by a week.", I replied with confidence. She looked at me and smiled.

I knew that she understood what I felt and could also gain some confidence.

Loners||BTS X BLACKPINK X ARMY|| jjk.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora