Chapter 24

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Jungkook's POV

I was worried for Lisa. She cried so hard today, and that too, in front of hyung. She couldn't handle it anymore, I guess. I wanted to go to her and comfort her but, she needs some time alone.

And now, even Yoongi hyung has gone with Jennie noona. I heard Lisa crying and shouting. I hope she's fine.

After some time, the door finally opened and Yoongi hyung came along with Lisa. Lisa was happy and was slightly blushing. Yoongi hyung looked happy too, but his eyes were slightly red and puffy. He was crying?

Wait what? What just happened?

I saw some drama and heard them cry and shout. Now they are happy? What's going on?

"Jen, no, I would like to tell you all. Uhh.... Lisa and I are dating...", he announced. Did I hear that right? They... are.... DATING??!!!

There was a moment of silence and then,


Everyone had their eyes bulging out with an open mouth.

First, she cries because of him and now, they are DATING?!! They are so BIPOLAR...

But she looks happy now, she looks complete. I should be happy for her too.

"Did he force you?", I asked, quite confused at the sudden change of events. "Nope. You knew that I liked him, but I just felt sad and angry when he insulted me.", she replied, smiling widely.

"B-but h-ho-how?", Sohi asked, still in a daze.

"She just came storming in and started screaming, DONT TRY CONVINCING ME CUZ I WOULD NEVER FORGIVE YOU !!! I HATE YOU!!!", he mocked her by screaming in a frog like voice and flipped his imaginary hair and walked in a funny cat walk. "Then a few moments later she hugs me and she cries, Di-did y-you m-mean i-it", he fake cries while exaggeratedly stuttering. We started laughing our butts off at the way he mocked her.

"And you were wailing like a deranged parrot!", Lisa shot back and started mocking his wails.

"What.", he asked with a poker face.

"I said that you were wailing like a DERANGED PARROT!!", she screamed.

He just stared at her and then mumbled, "What does that even mean?"

"Are you illiterate?", she asked mockingly.

"Wait. Lisa, do you know the meaning?", I asked, surprised by the sudden use of enhanced vocabulary.

"Uh.... it means...... when.... uh... things aren't.... uh... arranged properly...", she stuttered, looking away. Hah! I knew it! But what is it's meaning?

"Are you guys that dumb?", our dictionary asked. Well, our Wikipedia asked.

We just looked at him with a poker face. "Fine, fine. Cut it out. Those stares are creepy.", he said backing out. "Awwww~.... Joonie is scaaaared~", Jin hyung's  cooed.

"Let's just continue with the game!!! Truth or Dare?!!!! It's gonna be fun with some couples here!!!", Hobi hyung said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"I'm in", everyone screamed.

"I'm out!", Yoongi hyung said and dropped on the couch while yawning.

"Aniiiiiiii~", Lisa whined and pulled him, "You're gonna play with us tooooo~"

"Ani.", he answered.

"Even if you're his girlfriend you won't be able to stop him- I mean- HER from sleeping.", a voice spoke. I looked around to see the owner of the voice. But I couldn't see him. Then I realized, it might be Jimin hyung.

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