Chapter 37

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Jimin's POV

"Jebaaaaaaaal.....", she pleaded.

"Ani!", I answered with sternness in my voice.

"Jebal! It's not like I'm going to the club! It's just the arcade! I'm not asking you to take me there! Nor am I going alone! I'm going with Jungkook...."

"Oppa!", a voice reminded from the entrance to the room.

"....oppa.", she completed her sentence.

She's at it again. Why is she sooo interested in the arcade? I bet she has played every game in that arcade at least a hundred times!

"Your final exams are coming up! You need to learn for it!", I replied, in a monotonous tone.

"But I learnt for it! All subjects!", she shot back with confidence.

"Jinja? Then let me ask you!......... what's 3+4?", I asked.

She showed me a poker face and replied, "Orabeoni! I'm 17! Not 3!"

"But your IQ.....", I continued teasing her, but with an innocent face, while Jungkook laughed behind her.

"Aaaaghhhhh!!!! I'm going!", she stormed out of the room after giving Jungkook a venomous glare...... RIP.....


Much to our surprise, she replied back with a , "Shut up!"

Both our eyes widened,and I shouted back with a, "BWO?!"

However, I couldn't go after her as my phone rang...


"Chaeeee!!!!!", I squealed sweetly. Jungkook turned to look at me with a confused face.

He pointed at himself and mouthed, "Naega?"

I showed a disgusted face and shook my head, after which I pointed at the mobile held close to my ears. He nodded and stood there listening to my conversation.

"Jimi-", she started.

"Saranghaeyoooo~", I squealed again, to make that loner jealous. He looked at me with a disgusted face and started acting as though he was gagging. I kept the phone next to my ear and tried to shoo him away with a kick in the air.... and I was successful....

"Jimin.....", I heard a voice over the line. Ah! Chae! I forgot!


"Jimin, I need to talk to you....", her voice didn't sound okay.... Something's wrong...

"What happened?.... Fine, we'll talk at the usual cafe. At 4."

"Ani! Now!", she insisted.

"Arraseo. I'm coming.", I answered and cut the line.

I don't want to know..... She sounded as though the problem's really bad..... I hope there isn't anything that bad...

I quickly dressed up and ran out of the dorms. Thankfully, I was able to evade the paparazzi, even though I wasn't wearing much protection........

"Chae.... gwaenchahna?", I shook her shoulder and asked her as soon as I reached her. She jumped a bit because of the shock, but recovered soon.

"Ah.... Ani....", she replied, sighing.

"Wae?", I asked, finally settling down in the chair opposite her.

"Appa called me yesterday..... Before that, you know that I'm from a chaebol family, geucci?", she asked, confused whether she had told me. Chae doesn't know that oppa knows everything about her!

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