Chapter 46

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A month later.....

Jungkook's POV

I am done!

Done with all the waiting...

I know that she is aware that I like her and that I am waiting for her reply, but she just acts oblivious.

Every time I take her aside, and decide to talk about it, she either changes the topic or slips out of the conversation, saying that she is busy.....

And I'm not gonna wait anymore! By today, I'll make her reply!

"Yah! Are you gonna get ready anytime soon?", Jin hyung asked from the door way.

"Uh..... I'm not coming......", I said walking out of the room and closing the door softly.

"Waeyo?", he asked, surprised.

"Sohi seems to be really sick. She has a high temperature too..... So I'll stay and look after her....", I lied.

"She's in there? You brought her to your studio room? And does Jimin know?", he asked, trying to make his way into the room.

I blocked him and replied, "Aniyo. He doesn't know. And don't go in. You'll catch a cold too."

"I won't! I'll just see her and get out!", he exclaimed. But I stood there, not allowing him to get through me.

"Arraseo, arraseo! I'll tell Jimin later. Or he'll come running now and catch a cold himself...... By the way..... won't you catch a cold?", he asked the question I dreaded. I gulped softly and made up an excuse, "Aniyo. I have a really strong immune system! I won't catch a cold easily!"

He looked at me, as though he felt something was fishy and walked down to the living room.

"She's sick?", I heard someone walk up the stairs. Jimin hyung......

"Is she in there?", he asked me, calmly, as it was just a cold, but I could see that he was really worried.

"Deh... Hyung, time's running. Go fast. I'll stay here and look after her.", I hurriedly said, pushing him down the hallway.

"Arraseo.....", he mumbled, walking down with Jin hyung, who had come back up with him.

Once they had left, I walked back upstairs to the studio and sat on my revolving chair, to work on my latest song.... Yes! I'm finally writing one.....


Sohye's POV

I stirred a bit in my sleep, as my eyes fluttered open and I saw an unfamiliar room. Well, it was familiar since I have been here, but this just isn't the first sight that I see every morning.

I sat up on the bed, I mean, the couch and looked at the figure with a black hoodie on, turning his back to me. As soon as I sat up, he turned around, probably because of the creaking noise caused by me sitting up.

"You woke up already, sleepyhead?", he asked, with the familiar mocking tone to his voice. I ignored him and asked, "Why am I here? I clearly remember sleeping in my room."

"Oh. I just picked you up and got you here. God! You're actually heavy, you know?", he mocked further.

"Yah! It's because I'm heavy? And not because you're weak?", I shot.

"Isn't it obvious! I'm really strong!", he boasted.

I laughed mockingly and walked out of his studio. The dorm looked really empty. Where are the others? Oh yes! The K Show!!!

Loners||BTS X BLACKPINK X ARMY|| jjk.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora