Chapter 7

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"Annyeong, Miso nim!", I said cheerfully. Somehow, seeing her face brought me immense happiness. She looked so motherly and sweet.

"Come here, Wendy. Did you have your breakfast, child?", she asked.

"Uhhh... I had breakfast in the airplane and I ate some biscuits when I reached the dorms.", I replied with a smile.

"Okay. Sit next to me. Now, how should I start.", she said and thought for a while. I sat next to her and looked up at her.

Then she continued, "Before that, I'll tell you about what we've decided to do with you. Your Korean name, stage name, band position and all future plans will be made on Thursday, after the members arrive, since they'll only reach the dorms on day after tomorrow at night.

But, what we sunsengs (teachers) have decided, is to show an improved forms of yours, when the members come. After hearing you sing today, I think it's best to teach you as many songs. I want to teach you a complicated piece to show the members. But before we start, you need some warm up pieces. So, I'll teach some basic Korean songs and I'll increase the difficulty, fine?"

"Fine!!", I said with a thumbs up.

"Okay! First, we will learn The Eye by Infinite, then Bom Bom Bom by BAP. If we have more time, then I'll teach you Fantastic Baby by Bigbang. So, let's learn The Eye!", she exclaimed.

Within the next 50 minutes, I finished learning all three songs.

"Excellent! You sing very well. I already see a lot of improvement in you. You have great capabilities and you can reach heights that you can't even fathom right now. I've decided to teach you Eyes, Nose and Lips by Taeyang. It's a beautiful song but it's very difficult to perfect.

Oh no! We have only 10 minutes more. Fine, I'll give you the lyrics. I want you to hear the song and learn it. It might take you two days to learn it properly. I want to hear you sing the song on Wednesday. I'll correct all the mistakes and I want you to sing the song in front of the members, fine?", she asked me with a smile as she gave me the lyrics paper.

"Yes, sunseng nim.... no, Miso nim", I corrected myself. Miso nim smiled.


"Annyeong Wendy!", Jeon Sung nim, my Rap teacher said.

"Annyeong Jeon nim!", I shouted.

"Oh!! Now that's a loud greeting. It makes me happy to see you so cheerful. I want you to be just like that. Now come here.", he said.

I walked up to him and sat next to him.

"So, I'm gonna make some raps. I want you to rap it out to me. When I heard you sing, today, in the morning, I noticed that you're better at Vocals, huh? But you're good at rapping too. Until the meeting, we wouldn't be able to know what position you have in the group. Okay, so I've already made five of them. So, I want you to repeat after me.", he continued.

1 hour later, I had finished 10 raps. They were short after all.

"According to me, you have a speed rapping style. There are two types of raps. One focuses on speed, whereas the other focuses on voice styles. But, some rappers, combine both the styles.

Here, in BTS, Suga is a speed rapper, Namjoon is a style rapper and Hoseok is a combine rapper. However, Suga and Namjoon try the other styles too, and they have their own styles as a rapper. Anyways, let's wrap up. Wait, have you learnt any of the three Cyphers?", he asked.

"No, sunseng nim. I find the Cyphers too hard.", I replied.

"Okay, so, I want you to learn the lyrics of Cypher part 2. It has all three styles and it's prominent. I want you to perform this in front of the members on Thursday.", he said and gave me the lyrics paper.

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