Chapter 20

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Sohi's POV

"Ummm... they were just teasing me....", I replied nervously. "With what?", he shot back.

Ugghhhhhh..... "You see, when I was an ARMY, you were my bias and..... how do I explain this..... I was a saesang fan, get it?", I asked.

"Oooooohhhhh..... So?", he asked again. Ugghhhhh... back to square one. Why doesn't this kid understand?

"I liked you in the other way, at that time, BUT NOT NOW, OKAY?", I emphasized. He looked confused, but shrugged it away. Thank God.....

"By the way, we'll confirm the rumors day after tomorrow, right? And the teasers, two days later?", I asked him to lighten the awkward atmosphere.

"Neh, we'll confirm the rumors day after tomorrow, but the teasers will start releasing today at 12. The plan's changed.", he replied with a smile. "Mwo? Today?", I exclaimed.

"Neh.", he replied. "I'm nervous.", I started hyperventilating. What will ARMYs think about me? Will they hate Bangtan because of me? Aish..... Sohi! Stop over thinking!


Eighth member rumored to join BTS.

Eighth member of BTS rumored to be a girl.

ARMYs rage over the rumor of new member of BTS.

ARMYs demand confirmation of rumor from BigHit.

The Internet was filled with news about BTS and me. 'ARMYs are raging', that caught my eye. They were angry. I'm already getting bad feedbacks.

"Don't overthink, Sohi.", a voice comforted me from behind me. Jimin oppa. "Oppa, they'll hate me. We're already getting bad feedback.", I said, disappointed.

"Those who are raging, aren't true ARMYs, Sohi. ARMYs respect our decisions, like how we respect theirs. Don't worry about all of this. Now, come to the dining room! Breakfast is ready! Get up!", he explained.

"But I didn't brush my teeth!", I whined. "What! You wake up early in the morning, and start surfing on internet! Do you know how bad it is for the eye. You already have an optico-disease. Do you want to get blind?", he started ranting.

"Arraseo, arraseo...", I said while getting out of bed. I didn't want to... The bed is just sooo comfy. I understand how Yoongi oppa feels like.

Two minutes later, I found myself flying. Ugh.... "Jimin oppaaaaaa!!!! Put meeeee dooooown!!!!", I screamed, while hitting his back with my fists. He was carrying me such that I was hanging down his shoulder on my stomach. I'm not a kid anymore! I'm SIXTEEN!! and 2 months....

"Just shut up! You don't come when I call you, then, what else will I do? You didn't eat last night too. Do you wanna starve yourself?", he ranted again. "You starve yourself too!", I whined. "But I'm not a kid!", he shot back.

"You look like one though....", I mumbled. "Yah! I heard that!", he shouted.

"BY THE WAY, IM WEARING A SKIRT, PARK JIMIN!", I shouted at him, while hitting him again. "Oh... mian", he said while putting me down. I fixed my skirt and walked down the stairs while holding his hands.

"I'm not eating....", he mumbled. "Ani! Starving again? Wae? You are the thinnest out of all of us! Then why do you want to lose weight?", I asked him.

"You're the thinnest!"

"Cuz I'm a girl!"

"Shut up!"

"Got no points left, huh?"

"Shut up!", he screamed childishly. Hihi, kyeoptaaa! My brother is soooo cute....

"What's going on? Stop screaming, kids! Yoongi and Namjoon are still asleep!", Jin oppa came out of nowhere. "They're sleeping?", we asked.

"Neh! So shut up, if you don't wanna fall in trouble!", he said, while smirking. "Let's wake him up!", I whispered to Jungkookie, Jimin, Taehyungie and Hobi oppa. They smirked and walked in different directions to get the things required.

Within a few minutes, Taehyungie oppa and Jungkookie oppa came with two buckets of cold water. Hobi oppa came with huge bells and Jimin oppa came up with two spatulas from Jin oppa's kitchen. I found some bird feathers outside, I'll use them to tickle. Hihi.

I really wanna see their faces after this. We slowly crept into their rooms. Jungkookie oppa, Jimin oppa and I entered Yoongi oppa's room. We take the risk. Hwaiting!

Taehyungie oppa and Hobi oppa decide to stay on the safe side and entered Namjoon oppa's room.

I started off by tickling him with the feathers in his ear. He moved slightly, but snored away again. Well, I'm just exaggerating! He doesn't snore. But he makes those small snoring noises at times, which sounds cute!

Jungkookie oppa got ready, and poured the water over him. He got up, but before he came to his senses, Jimin oppa started spanking him.

"F***!!! What the hell!!!.... (censored)"

"Shit! Run!", Jungkookie oppa screamed and we ran away. Yoongi oppa had gotten up and he was making his way up to us.

"Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!", we screamed, while joining Taehyungie oppa and Hobi oppa who were also running. We looked behind and saw two sleepy, but horrifying creatures running after us!

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU GUYS DOING!!!", we heard an annoyed voice screaming.

We looked back to see another, in fact, an even more horrifying creature in front of us. "Aaaaaaagghhhh", this time we all , except for Jin oppa, screamed and ran to Jin oppa's and Yoongi oppa's room which was the nearest one.

"It's all because of you, five!", Yoongi oppa whined and laid back on his bed. "Omo! You guys were running after us! That's why Jin oppa got angry!",Jungkookie oppa shot back.

"OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!!!", we heard someone banging on the door. Omona! We're dead! I slowly walked towards the door. I didn't want him to break the door open....

"Noooooo....", the others hissed, but I didn't listen to them and unlocked the door. "WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO!!! YOU GUYS DESTROYED THE HOUSE!!! AND I HAD JUST CLEANED IT YESTERDAY!!! NO DINNER FOR ANY OF YOU!!!", he stormed into the room and shouted.

"Mian, mian, mian, oppaaaaa!", I bowed down on my knees. This was the only way to get dinner... I'll do anything to get dinner.

The others soon followed suit and bowed down. "Fine, fine, get up already..", he sighed and forgave us. "Just don't do it again, arraseo?", he said to all of us and walked out of the room.

We sighed out of relief and slowly looked at each other's faces.

Yoongi oppa and Namjoon oppa smirked while locking the door,

"Time for PAYBACK!"

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