(10) Gamer Girl

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You were obsessed with video games. Games like minecraft, bendy and the ink machine, and Five nights at Freddy's. (You can change it if you want). One time your best friends, Star and Marco came over to spend the night. All you wanted to do was play video games.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the mall?" Star asked. "I'm sure. I can just play video games." You replied. "But you always play video gamess." Star whined. "That's the point. I love them." You smirked. "I'll stay with her." Marco says to Star. "Okay fine." Star agrees and goes off with Janna Banana.

"So what's it going to take to get you to stop playing video games?" Marco asked. You just shrugged as an answer. He sat a minute in thought of how to get you off the game.

Marco finally found an idea. Maybe she'll come because of good food. He started cooking her favorite food. He finished the meal of (F/F). "Hey (Y/N)! I made (F/F)! He called. "I'll eat later!" You said back. "Dang." He mumbled.

Marco tried everything but still, you wouldn't budge. He then finally gave up. "I don't know if this will work but..." before he could finish, he pressed his lips to yours. Your eyes widened, but pulled away before you could kiss back. "Well I'm going outside." He smirked and walked outside. You immediately put the controller down and began following him.

Well sorry this took super long. I've just been really obsessed wth certain video games, especially horror.

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