(38) Group Project

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Based on a slimly true story. The names of the friends are actual people that I know. The only thing different was that Zay isn't in the classroom this was based on, I just added her so it could reach the group quota. Also, I never stand up to anybody. Also I put in a random song in so enjoy.

Once again, it's a group project. I absolutely hate group projects. Despise them. Why? It's because I'm not included

I'll be paired up with two or three people. They'd talk about things while my ideas are just kicked in the gut. They'll only ask my input if they don't care about what it's about.

Of course the people who abandon me are my 'friends' Red and Boulder or Zay and Lane.

Today was no different


This week we had an assignment. Pick a class to stay in for the rest of the week and work on one of the two large projects. For once, it was four people per group.

It's not like I get to choose who I want to be with.

All this had been explained on Friday. It was Monday. I do believe my friends had a group chat about this but was I included? No.

I got to class late but the teacher didn't give two shiitake mushrooms.

When I got there I was livid.

I saw Boulder, Zay, Lane, and Red working on a project. I put on my best fake smile and walked over to them.

Red was the first one to look up. "Oh, (Y/N). We thought you weren't coming," she said nonchalantly. "So? You just replace me?" Lane wasn't really my friend. Or any of ours for that matter. She was just that one person who follows you around because no one likes them.

"Oh come on. You can find another group," Boulder said in a snarky way. I growled under my breath and walked away.($€¥¢£₩) That's when I saw another group of people trying to find a fourth partner.

It was a male Latina brunette, a girl with blonde hair, many accessories, and stars on her cheeks, and a girl with short black hair, a beanie and dilated pupils (have any of y'all noticed that like wtf-). I didn't know their names because I'm kinda a loner when it comes to anybody else.

"Hey! I see you're looking for a partner?" I smile as I walk over to them. "Aren't you always with Zay, Lane, and Red?" The male brunette asked. "Yeah but they kinda ditched me for someone that they didn't even like," I shrug, my eye twitching, "Can I join you?" "Of course!" The blonde squealed.

Over the time I learned their names and gained their friendship. We were the quarto. My friends had tried to tell me off for ditching them but I pulled my reverse card and yelled at them. Things were getting better.

Except one thing.

I now have a crush.

I hated falling for Marco as he probably didn't feel the same way. The thing is, is the fact that I can't keep a secret and the crush was eating away at my soul. That was it. I had to tell him.

Marco was at his locker gathering his things to leave for the day. "M-Marco?" I stutter behind him. "Oh hey (Y/N)!" He smiled, turning around to me. "I have to tell you something..." He rose an eyebrow. "I like you. M-More than a f-friend." I stuttered again, looking away.

He smiled larger, "I like you too." He dropped his backpack and pressed his lips to mine.

I'm sorry lol. The endings have been sucking more ass than usual. Bye Warriors!

Marco Diaz X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now