(25) Apology Accepted

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I am so sorry! I know, I know, it's summer and I should be updating. It's just... I had too... I was busy with... OK Fine. I procrastinate a lot. The only big thing I did today was Finnish the videos of Markiplier playing Little Nightmares. I hope you all enjoy! 😊

Your POV

Shoot! I'm late again! I am a bad kid. Not on purpose though. I just am always late, sleep through class and get low grades. (A/N Next chapter is going to be about you being the smart kid) I do this because I'm always up late doing (favorite activity) and loose track of time. Then I over sleep. Because of this, My teacher, Ms. Skullnick put me up with a tutor. The Marco Diaz.

I had always liked him. I always thought he didn't like me because I'm a "Bad Kid" and he's the safe kid. We have to meet up in an unused classroom two hours after school so we could go home and get ready.

I, Now was once again, late. I had to change because some kid spilt their water all over my outfit. I just threw on a long sleeved crop top and some sweat pants. It was a bit messy so my bra strap was shown.

I had finally made it out of my house and ran to the school. I made it into the classroom to see Marco writing on the blackboard. Since I ran, I looked even more messed up, sweating more and slightly panting. "Hey." I called to him.

Marco's POV

"You're late. Again." I growled. I hated tutoring her. She's always late and falls asleep, so what's the point?
At least she's cute. Wait what? I said nothing. "Sorry." She mumbled. I turned around to tell her off, but was caught off guard by what she looked like. I knew I shouldn't be saying this, but she looks hot.

"Just sit down." I said rolling my eyes. She slowly walked over to her seat and sat down. The rest of the tutoring session went by quickly and we were both getting ready to leave.

"What is the stupid excuse you'll make up to explain why you were late?" I growled to her as soon as we walk out of the classroom. "I'm so sorry! At school this kid spilt water all over me, I had to run back to my house and change! Then I lost rack of time and my favorite show was on. I watched maybe three episodes (A/N about 90 mins with commercials). Then I realized that I was late and had to run back here! I am so sor-" She stated, But was interrupted by my lips crashing onto hers.

She kissed me back softly before pulling away, blushing a bit. (A/N or if your tan, caramel, or black like meh, not at all) I then smirk and say, "Apology accepted." Before walking away.

Rollllllllll Credits.
Ok it's fookin 4 A.M. Bye.
Lol. Hope you enjoyed. See ya! Boo-Bye! ❤️🔥

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