(37) Try Me

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Ok so this was already written. I wrote it like two months ago but for a different fandom that I may or may not have made. I just pulled some strings and replace some characters. Also, some things you might not expect in this chapter may pursue. Also, Jamie and Al are my OCs. Enjoy!

Jackie. Jackie Lynn Fucking Thomas. Yeah, as you can tell that I hate her. Why you may ask? It's cause she uses one of my best friends.

His name is Marco Diaz. She dated him at least ten times this school year. It's the second month.

She gets together with him, she breaks his heart, he turns goth, and she gets back together with him only because he is the captain of the football team. It's a never-ending cycle. The one time they broke up with each other for like a month, she got a boyfriend and wouldn't let Marco date anyone else. They broke up AGAIN yesterday and I am going to set things straight that NOBODY messes with my friends. I wouldn't even let anyone hurt Fatass.

I had started to hang out with Marco more and Ms. Lynn-Thomas was pissed with me. She invited me to her house for her to set things straight with me. Little did she know, I'm stronger than I look.

I roll my eyes as I knock on her door, blue beanie slung over my head and large black trench coat resting on my shoulders. She opens up the door, still wearing her t-shirt from yesterday and a purple leather jacket. Is this her try of scaring me into thinking she's a badass? Haha, nice try.

Almost immediately, she grabs me by the collar of my shirt and pulls me in her house. She then slams the door before pinning me against it. "You think you can just take Marco away from me? Well you thought wrong." She growled in her usual fake bad girl voice. I just roll my eyes.

"You guys aren't even together." I spat. I may not be trying to get together with Marco but I would like to mess with her a bit. She lets out a low growl before taking her hand off my arm and reeling her fist back. Before her fist could connect with my face, I used my free hand to grab her fist and twisted it, making her yell out and stumble back. With this, she let go of my other hand.

I then grabbed her and forcefully slammed her into the wall next to the door. Her eyes visibly widen at my angered state. I pinned her arms above her head with one of my hands and held her throat with the other.

"You listen here." I snarl, slightly tightening my grip on her hands, making her wince. "I don't know who the fuck your messing with, but if you dare step to me again, I will have your ass smashed to the ground as quick as you could say Burnt to a crisp Beef Jerky Mike." I growled baring fangs.

"And another thing," I start, "if you ever hurt any of my friends, I will make your life worse than a living hell. Got that?" She nods as a false sense of security.

As soon as I let go, she swings her fist at me. Having years upon years of practice, I easily dodge. Quickly, I turn around, grab the collar of her shirt, and slam her to the ground.

Before she could react, I picked her up by the collar of her shirt and punched her right in the eye giving a black eye.

I smash my fist into her face a couple more times, not caring where I hit before letting go of her shirt. I then kicked her leg and she collapsed to the floor.

"Nobody messes with (Y/N)." I snarl.

With that, I left.

It was the next day and I was was enjoying Jamie and Al's daily argument with Star. Marco was also making small talk with me as he was feeling much better. Jackie was also late to class.

Just as I think of her name, she limps through the door. She had a black eye and giant bruises everywhere. I just then remembered something. I should've thought things through.

"What happened?!" Marco shouted, running up to her and picking her up bridal style. Yeah... The bad news is that Marco would take her over anyone any day. "It was (Y/N).." She said, fakely being weak.

Marco sent me a glare that shattered my heart as I sunk down into my seat. Luckily, Miss. Skullnick wasn't in the room and even if she was, she trusted me. For some reason.

All of a sudden, before Marco could swear me off, Jamie stood up. Everyone except Star and Al started to give him weird looks. "Listen dude. I guess you're my 'friend' but if you think (Y/N) would hurt someone for no fucking reason, then you're stupider than me." He growled, saying the last part quietly.

"Yeah dude. You've known (Y/N) for your whole life. Do you really think she would do that just for fun?" Al asked, standing up and crossing his arms. Then, a lot of people in the classroom started to murmur in agreement.

"Yes." He growled darkly, now facing us. Everyone rose an eyebrow. He was not. He COULDN'T. HE PROMISED! My eyes widened and my already shattered heart stopped in its tracks.

"You have no clue what she has done in her past." I cut him off by forcefully standing up and walking to the door. "Why are you leaving?" some kid in the back asked a bit monotonouslyI don't like listening to liars." Ok that was a lie.

With that, I stormed out the door.

I ran to the bathroom and as soon as I got there, I broke. Tears started to stream down my face and I sobbed loudly, almost turning into screams or yells as I collapse on the floor.

Finally, the school day was over and I ran out before anyone could see me. "(Y/N)!" Or not.

I kept running, knowing that it was Marco. It wasn't long before I was tackled. I looked up to see his eyes staring into mine. "I'm sorry." He whispers, still on me.

"Sorry?!" I say offendedly. "You were about to reveal to our class the secret that made even my mom shun me for at least week. That I was a monster. Not just any monster. A dangerous monster." I sigh, tearing up. He wipes away the tears before pressing his lips onto mine.

This has turned out to be a good day.

Yeah I know it was bad. Boo~Bye! ❤️

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