(48) Vampire

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Marco screams and falls to the ground. You giggle a bit, holding a hand in front of your mouth.

"Sorry," you smile.
"You need to stop hanging from the ceiling and scaring me," he glares at you.

You giggle again as your wings fall from the holes in your shirt you tore for your wings.

You jump down from the ceiling and smile up at Marco.

"I'm sorry I'm surprising you with this but... I'm kinda thirsty..." You smile sheepishly.

He lets out a small huff before pulling the neck of his hoodie down a bit, revealing a part of his neck.

You smile gratefully and kiss his cheek before leaning down to sink your teeth in his neck, drinking his blood.

Before, whenever you did this, the people would be in pain but Marco (The horny little bastard-) groaned out in pleasure. You didn't understand it though.

As you pull away, you give him a small kiss on his chin before smiling and walking back to your room.

It was the next day at school when Jackie walked over to you two, smirking.
"Looks like you two had fun last night," she laughs, looking at the mark.

You tilted your head and Marco turned neon red.


Marco Diaz X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now